Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kind of interesting & angelic

Adults can act in all sorts of different ways. But one person I noticed the other day was a little boy with blond hair who came in wearing a Spiderman shirt. Actually, I didn't notice him at first, but he had a huge family with him and they all made such a big deal about me noticing his shirt. They said he would be very disappointed if I did not notice him and he acted incredibly happy when I did. And even to say that, seems like a big understatement. And when they left and he saw me, he acted incredibly happy, again. He stood out, to me. Adults can act in whichever way they want, they can offer their lessons, they can feel good, or right about these choices, or do whatever, but you can't make a little kid act that way. This Spiderman-shirt kid was very genuine and happy. He wasn't old enough to act otherwise.

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