Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Give me an R.
Give me an O.
Give me an E.
Give me an S.
Give me a K.
Give me an E.


I hear that the name Roeske used to have an "umlaut" (sp?) over the o but no e after it.  I say it like "Ray-ski" and so does my entire family but when I was in the Netherlands a few years ago, people told me I was pronouncing it incorrectly (we probably are, who knows?)  When I type my name into a search engine, it brings up what appears to be an article about women's roles in movies, but it was actually taken from a mass e-mail I sent to some friends a few years ago. 

Other folks who have this last name include:

missionaries in the Philippines
actors and actresses (Roeskes have appeared on "ER" and "Saved By The Bell")
a stunt woman
professors (of Medicine and Geology and Religion)

and the coolest Roeskes, I think, are:
bodyworkers :-)
Paulette Roeske, a poet

but the others are pretty cool, too.

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