Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sometimes a small cup of coffee is all right the morning.

Oh my God, I can't believe Trump of all people is acting like he cares about reproductive rights more than your average guy friend has in his whole entire f****** lifetime! 

What are you talking about?

He's so inconsistent! He acts such like a girl! A girl from another era, who can't decide if she wants to be feminist or not, depending on who she's around and which girls or boys she's trying to get along with or impress that day! 


This is the voice of Big Blood Clot who didn't actually become a GirlDad in this lifetime! How's it going, my guy?

Just think of what they could do for humanity!

Just imagine that all the people who you have felt the most inspired to treat well, and who've been treated better by patriarchal society than lots other kinds of people have been treated, have truly benefited from it, so much that they're all the kinds of people who consistently act like they want lots of kinds of girls and women to be treated well!

This seems like it could be a really nice article to read.

"8 Reasons Why Gender Equality is Good for Everyone"

I think that's a really nice thought.

Your dad will be a girl in his next life, and no matter what kinds of genetics he inherits, he will find the kinds of friends who will know how to support him.

Do they not feel entitled enough?

What would make it much less difficult for so many people, who come from all kinds of backgrounds and political leanings, to treat a lot of different kinds of girls and women just, at a very basic level, much more respectfully?

Why is it just so hard for them act like they can commit to actually caring about female bodily autonomy for lots of kinds of people!

"Trump is consistently inconsistent on abortion and reproductive rights"

That's something he has in common with many liberal and conservative people!

Maybe it will be a better time to talk later instead of right now.

I really hope that more of the grandchildren will find ways to be much less shallow and much less discriminatory and much less hurtful and that they will also feel much better about being able to see lots of different kinds of people, than what a lot of the older, unwell, self-absorbed people, who got very warped by the uncaring patriarchal societal norms that got role-modeled for them, too, were like in this particular unwell patriarchal era.

Have a better day.

You can stop treating women and girls so badly now, even though it been made very clear that a lot of unwell Patriarchal people wanted you to treat them very badly.

All kinds of women, with all kinds of different kinds of genetics and inheritances and health situations, deserve better.

So many are suffering from toxic unhealthy control issues! This is just one example.

"How Project 2025 Seeks to Obliterate Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights"

Shallow Conservative Rich Guys aren't the only Consistently Inconsistent People.

"Trump is consistently inconsistent on abortion and reproductive rights"


I would rather have another mediocre day walking around a store getting stressed out about how I can't afford anything then get rich by living in a lie alongside the More Patriarchal people.

Ugh. I almost can't think about it too much.

Just imagine how entitled some people feel to  start treating you worse just because you've been born into a certain kind of body, and it really is just that shallow.

Except, it's also complicated because patriarchal society has structured things in this way, so as to dole out penalties and rewards for certain kinds of behavior patterns being repeated!

They could be taking much better care of themselves.

They should start taking much better care of themselves.

Thanks for the reminder.

I can just imagine that rich young guys have problems too!

"Fit Hot Guys Have Problems Too" ~ Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Gonna be a shaky day! 🌎

"Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills"

Start having some higher expectations!

Rich insecure people who got sucked into dehumanizing others aren't going to be better to the children who pick their salads until they start being better to the people within their own circles.

It's nice to remember that.

For some reason, the universe seems to want me to know that lots of other kinds of kids and women and men exist in this world, in addition to these traumatized people.

"When kids shake things up: parenthood's toll on relationships"

Liza O'Brien and Jameela Jamil

That's old now, but it still makes me think that maybe the unwell privileged people could find some other kinds of people to hang out with?

Because apparently, the wounded patriarchy is so filled with insecurity and fear that they actually want rich women to put down even their own children, just to continue supporting and propping up the bad habits of very immature unwell untrustworthy rich men. 

But for now, I still do not want to be around them. It's not good for my health.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Peace be upon us?

I do sometimes wish there could be some kind of satisfying wrap-up solution in regards to processing the weird experiences that have happened in this lifetime...


"Tense situation"

Purring Hub

Such presence!

"Sunshine Cat"

~ Purring Hub

"Don't sorry..." What did I just see?

~ Purring Hub

"Cat on a Zoom Call"

~ Purring Hub

Easy to miss!

 "Basketball Awareness Test"

~ Alexas Drovdoskis

"He just didn't know..."


"Why We're Hardwired for Negativity"

Hmmm, control.

 Out of balance?

"The Dark Truth Of America’s Skinniest City"

Will Tennyson

Sometimes, yes.

You exist, don't you?

"Should you move to Virginia?"

~ All The Feral Fawns

If you think it's weird how this person lives in a world where racism and poverty just kind of magically don't exist (even though she's from places like Lynchburg and Charlottesville), and then you imagine how other people are determined to act like they live in a world where the stuff you encounter on a daily basis just doesn't seem to exist for's a lot, so what to do? Time to make a cup of tea!

MENU problems

 "You said WHAT to him!?!"


This calls for cake!

"When the customer is actually nice"


Did she actually have the gall start acting like she likes girls as much as she likes boys? And to act like she  cares about what girls do as much as what boys do? Oh my God!

And before you know it...

The wife is going to start caring about how girls and women are treated. All kinds of girls and women. Lots of them!

Next he's going to want Reproductive Rights!

 "My son wants a PINK cake 😡"


Just another cute cultural phenomenon of that charming era!

How to be nicer to the grandkids than you were to your own kids! Or not? Human rights? What are those for?

Another interesting point of view...

I noticed my body language because this made me feel like shaking my legs a lot and knocking my knees together!

"Understanding the parentified daughter experience"


Another good reason for health to be at the forefront

The people who are still being sexist as a survival strategy will probably never want to be better towards others unless / until they get better towards themselves.

So shaky!

"All the categories of women and girls that a certain person has to treat as lesser in order to keep me here on my shaky pedestal."

Big mess.

All the categories of women who got treated poorly and how the Patriarchal Structures tried to get them to also ditch and disrespect all the other kinds of people.

You were so much more curious when you were younger!

Even if you don't completely agree with someone's point of view, you could be curious about why they have it.

A voice sometimes reminds you that "You're not so well off as to not care about human rights"

 Would you even want to be that "well off?"
The kind of "well off" that makes you, well, 
less empathetic and caring?

Sounds more like "unwell off."

Michael Azevedo on X: "@fakedansavage But
will it be enough to influence the crucial Women-Attracted-To-Men-Who-Hate-Women demographic? GOP is teeming with them!"

I kind of like them, honestly.

"Women Laughing Alone With Salad"

You just never know what tomorrow will bring!


"I'm taking applications for a LAVENDER MARRIAGE"

~ Manifestelle


I am laughing with celery juice!


"I'm taking applications for a LAVENDER MARRIAGE"

~ Manifestelle

Do you have to want one yourself to be interested in the phenomena??

This sounds really interesting!

"I'm taking applications for a LAVENDER MARRIAGE"

~ Manifestelle

I think that's a pattern that can stop continuing and it can change for the better.

Women who have been raised by the Patriarchy to be prejudiced against certain kinds of girls and women

who need men who have been raised by the patriarchy to be prejudiced against certain kinds of girls and women 

to make them both feel good about their choices to be prejudiced against certain kinds of girls and women 

are indulging themselves by going along with a pattern that simply can't just go on like that forever!

To better health!

"Strikingly little attention has been paid to the impact of toxins on women and girls’ reproductive rights, despite the clear harms. Women are often exposed to harmful chemicals because of the feminization of low-income work, such as house cleaning (many cleaning products contain toxic chemicals) or because expectations around beauty lead women – especially women of color – to use personal care products with chemical ingredients.

But feminist movements are increasingly centering the right to a healthy environment within the work of protecting reproductive rights, as the need to do so becomes increasingly evident."

~ Skye Wheeler

"Toxic Chemicals Factor in Women’s Reproductive Health, Rights Crisis"

Many people could find much better ways of doing things.

They could also make things better for the next generation by not continuing to find so much comfort in falling back on perpetuating old patterns and prejudices. They could find better ways of being and existing alongside people who are different from them.

Society can be $0 slow to change sometimes.

Some of the societal patterns that certain people have chosen to align themselves with are really  too unsustainable for too many real human beings to actually be healthy for most of society.

Some people are quite addicted to not wanting to know how much repeating certain old patterns has hurt others, and also that in repeating those old patterns, they probably have not been so good even to themselves.

What did you learn from the scary excessive bleeding and pain and all that came with that?

The miracle of getting to take high doses of black currant oil to get better instead of having to undergo a hysterectomy. Just because of having access to someone who knew alternative methods when the traditional doctors were clearly not trained to see what the problem was.

Amen again.

Also, pray for help.


Have to pray for higher powers to help people be able to restore a better state of health.

There's a thought.

"Fortunately, devices like Scold’s Bridles, cucking stools, and ducking stools have all long gone out of practice. But sadly, the practice of silencing women or policing their speech has not."

~ Kaleena Fraga

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


"Entering America's Most Conservative Amish Town"

~ Drew Binsky

What's gonna happen...

And sometimes it's funny!

Prejudiced people who voted liberal and prejudiced people who voted conservative holding hands...perhaps the best outcome would be for the descendants to laugh about it!

R.E.M. - "Shiny Happy People (Official Music Video)"


You know it's real prejudice because you can feel how resistant people are to change.

Is that maybe a large part about what prejudice is? Being resistant to change? Being stubborn about insisting your way is the right way to be, even if it hurts other people?

Looking at people who can still have a conversation and not agree on exactly everything.

"Gender and Immigrant Rights: A Conversation with Dolores Huerta"

Or don't?

Age into your conservatism stubbornly!

Different words, maybe. Not very different energy!

"Liberal" people doing XYZ types of things versus "Conservative" people doing XYZ types of things!

Should have learned more about her in school.

"Note to Self: Dolores Huerta looks back on her fight for farm workers rights"

Perhaps it could be...

Maybe if some adults were nicer to their own inner children, they'd find it much easier to be more curious about a wider variety of people?

Wouldn't you think that the addiction would get old and tiresome, eventually?

Being psychologically insensitive and/or cruel to others is apparently very appealing to some people, but are there any specific reasons for it? Perhaps it could just be like a temporary rush of a feeling of being in control for some of them? Like maybe it's like something akin to what an addict gets or feels from other kinds of drugs?

They will not take the edge off of people actually repeating shockingly discriminatory behavior patterns, but...

"14 Loose Rich Mom Fall Sweaters That are Seriously Slimming"

At least the clothes won't actually be as hurtful as one of those people who got taught they had to survive a life by making far too many excuses for being excessively insensitive about trauma and violence towards others.

He is a big boob.

Next time c goes off and complains about people sucking at his teat or whatever because he's the one who chose to be that kind of guy who chose to be people's boss and the guy who has access to giving them money and connections and an audience and blah blah blah, he chose that! He is going to be a big boob in his next life attached to a girl who has to sit through yet another class or staff meeting or orientation in which the female participants are lectured about not wearing tops that are too tight or low-cut or whatever and they never tell the boys not to wear tight-fitting anything but every single semester it's always the same, the girls are the ones getting lectured at about wearing tops and it's not fair because one top will look acceptable on one kind of girl's body and unacceptable on another kind of girl's body and he's going to have to f****** deal with it. He chose to be the big boob.

Y'all are so alike. Just kidding!

Seriously, though.

All right, that's enough now; simmer down.

"Anyways, just because $0 many people didn't have to marry JD Vance in order to buy a nice house in a good neighborhood doesn't mean they can't do better."

Whee! The comments. Very positive outlook.


~ Starkey Farmstead

"You wanted to learn. You can learn a lot from our sexism."

It's clear that some kinds of "liberal" people (who actually might not look so "liberal" to society in the not too distant future) can convince themselves that feeling completely comfortable with discriminating against women and girls in exchange for some short term personal gains is just what they needed to do to get ahead, just as much as any conservative people can convince themselves that it was what they needed to do.

Secret fan of childless cat-owning women JD Vance and perhaps his wife didn't used to want to discriminate against girls and women, I think, but now they find reasons to do so.

Could it be, maybe one day, their kids can feel just as comfortable doing so? But maybe not...

Maybe it will all get much healthier, and change for the better, very soon!

They should also stop being so scared of variety. How can that happen.

Maybe they should start holding more varieties of "How to no longer discriminate against X types of people, even though it used to be, and in some cases still is, considered culturally acceptable to do so," workshops?

Message received.

"The patriarchal institution definitely does want us to discriminate against people like you. Therefore, we do. The institution does not want us to care about your safety; therefore, we don't."

What? How many shades are in shady?

People who are so self-absorbed that they walk around acting like they think that using the word "shady" is worse than sexual assault, actual literal sexual assault, is so freaking shady!

So many shades! 


So much shade.

This was worth watching!

Even though it wasn't something like "The shady reasons why Patriarchal American Academia wants people of all backgrounds to discriminate against women and girls."

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

When a place gives you nightmares and you have to leave, there's a reason.

"Maloney said his eyes opened to what he deemed 'a lack of institutional control' and a 'culture of discrimination'"

~ Alex Schultz

Which is too bad! Because for a while it was more of a good learning experience to be there. And I know other people had good experiences there, too! But nevertheless, that creepy and unsafe  feeling that comes from knowing that too many people (both men and women) with power and responsibility and advanced degrees can be persuaded to magically unsee discriminatory attitudes in exchange for delusions of's a health hazard. 

"Former head coach suing Mt. SAC for gender discrimination"

"Mt. SAC will not take action against..."

"Listen. This wasn't sexual assault. A jury found it was not sexual assault."

"18-36521 Aarefah Mosavi v. Mt. San Antonio College"

I got nightmares, and panic attacks, and so I had to leave. I had to lose money and not work for over a year. Even now, I realize that there are some people, both men and women, who will earn advanced degrees and get tenure and will choose to magically unsee unhealthy practices and they will oppress women and girls in exchange for a paycheck, just to feel more secure in a patriarchal system, and it was completely demoralizing to realize that.

Well, this the world we live in, sometimes.

One hopes that it might get better over time.

Know any people who deserve better?

"Cost of living epidemic,  this is getting insane"

~ TheCHILLend

Wow, Canadians are having a hard time, too, even though they don't have to deal with any Republican or Democrat presidents running their country???

Kinda joking ;-/

Monday, October 14, 2024

At least in some cases...

 Some people are changing.

"I don't owe anyone anything"

~ Manifestelle

So, is the culture changing?

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

Changing for the better?

You should get used to forces in the universe telling you to look out for the girl grandbabies more, too.

And if you keep being lazy in this life, just get ready for a whole new life and another body and a whole different experience... Consider who you've neglected in this life, or how you neglected aspects of yourself you could have been a lot nicer to. I mean, of all of the people you met, not just one or two, and places you've been, where have you been the most challenged in this lifetime to do better?

Oh no.

Now that you have expressed that, they will tease you mercilessly on another level. Oh well, they've done worse things than that to other people, haven't they???

They could do a lot more and be having more fun, too.

The unwell show biz guys should think of getting better as something fun, and a way to unlock their creativity. They could be doing more. They could literally be having a lot more fun, honestly Also, sometimes doing more is just spending your time more wisely. Not hastily pumping out lots of extra episodes or projects or whatever.

I'm grateful to my body for not letting me get into things that I shouldn't be getting into.

I want the show biz guys to get better. Just do it. Tap into your inner winged goddess of victory and get better. Then you'd look more fun to work with, and my body wouldn't feel stressed out at the idea of being around you because you're so unsafe and sexist to be around and always attracting people who will make excuses for your Unwell Behaviors in exchange for some kind of compensation.

Rememberthe"oilrigprank?" It'sfromaround1430.

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

"It was very common at the time, and he's reincarnated by now."

How can you tell that the Grandpa on that side of the family tree even had any granddaughters???

This is almost six years old.

Who was that one guy in that one episode, and who were those other guys who were his pals?

"But That's What Happened"- This American Life

What's up with the constant reminders about how much responsibility girls of all ages carry???

It's 2024. Do you honestly still have to be so sexist against women and girls to be friends with this guy or stay married to him or work with him or...

Wow, so some cats get this thing called whisker fatigue!

"Whisker Fatigue in Cats: What It Is and How To Help"

This weekend I listened to "But That's What Happened" and felt this song was good for me & my cat!

 79.5 -  'Sisters Unarmed"

"But That's What Happened" - This American Life

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Have you heard of CK?

"The family calls me 'Auntie Bruja' 

Couldn’t hazard a guess as to why 🧐 

#vlog #babysitting #toddler #child #goth #bluey

VD: entire video is of kitti, a pale girl with purple hair in a light grey t shirt following after an unseen toddler"

~ CaffinatedKitti

I got introduced to her because the algorithm showed me a really interesting video where she gave some commentary to a guy who seemed offended that she wanted to cover her drink around him at a bar. Oops! I forgot to save it, but I'm sure it's somewhere to be found amongst all the other videos...

Eeesh, what a headline.

"7 Best North Carolina Mountain Towns That Aren't Asheville"

Boone's on the list, but...

"'I've never heard the mountains groan' 

As recovery efforts from Helene continue in Boone, North Carolina, a sinkhole has formed near Wilson Ridge and Bamboo Road. An example, officials say, that everyone should avoid unnecessary travel. 'The mountain exploded with water everywhere and it was like white water rafting for a couple hundred meters wide and it was just coming down everywhere that it could,' Curtis Hubbard, a Boone resident, told WCNC Charlotte. 'I've never heard the mountains... groan... you could hear the trees rushing.'"

~ Hank Lee, Richard DeVayne, Jesse Pierre

"Boone faces long & challenging recovery after Helele"


 Looks good.

"Exploring America's Poorest Region Alone"

~ Drew Binsky

What's next?

 Had to get rehabilitated.

"Exploring America's Poorest Region Alone"

~ Drew Binsky

Free Levity!

"Conan Goes Wine Tasting In Napa Valley"

I got this for free and tested it for which pages  would be the most important for my life purpose and was directed to the "smart buys" and "best values" sections. 

"Training for Greatness: Molesworth Visits Moueix in Napa"

Chateau Ste Michelle's 2021 Syrah scores 88 out of 100 ("very good") is $15, and deemed drinkable thru 2028.

If your daughter ever gets an internship on an oil rig...

 Remember to think about looking for the good guys this Sunday

"CHAPTER 2 - the tale doth unfolds 🏰"

~ Riri Bichri

It's too much. They pranked moms and brothers too!

Hell no, you're not gonna work on an oil rig!

She don't need that money!

The Oil Rig Prank! Try it on your dad this Sunday.

 BRB, going to look up "oil rig prank!"

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

Is Antarctica better this Sunday?

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

And So It Continues...

 This Sunday.

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle


 God's creations...remember to honor them this Sunday.

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

Oh man, what is "Extinction Burst Behavior?"

 Gotta go look it up this Sunday.

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

Insecure guys being overly controlling because the Patriarchal Norms messed them up this Sunday.

"The DARK Reason Behind Banning Girls from Schools"

~ Manifestelle

Saturday, October 12, 2024

I think I might be ready to eat something I made!

Her mother's advice!

~ elenawonders

X: "You've raised a feminist cat in this life; I'm proud of you."

"Examining The 'Aunty' At The Public And Personal Spheres"

Y: "That's wonderful!"

"'How To Raise A Feminist Son': A Manifesto For Intersectional Feminism"

I decided to work with what I have at home instead of going out shopping for more healthy ingredients.

So far, played a "boy" song and a "girl" song.

Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street (Official Video)


Sheryl Crow - "My Favorite Mistake"

I'm not finished. So I am going to continue to cook with some other old songs!

But then again...

But you don't have to see it that way.

Sometimes I choose the path of problematic thinking because it's just more interesting to me.

So cliquey! But even beyond that...

Have you ever gotten enraged? Not actually because certain people choose to be living out a very heteronormative lifestyle, but because you know that they're actually not as 100% heteronormative as they act, and that in order to accept the benefits of living a certain kind of  lifestyle, they've had to shut out and degrade so many other kinds of realities (and people) in their heads that it feels like real discrimination, honestly.

Oh wow, maybe that has happened. 

Just for fun...

I might work on a puzzle later and listen to this.

"But That's What Happened" - This American Life

It's been one of those days that went by too fast for some reason.

In morning, had a dream that was a bit sad, but also comforting, about seeing someone I haven't seen in a while.

(What are you going to do?
I don't know.)

A dream that's not necessarily happy can still be comforting anyways.

I had to do something and talk to people when my body wasn't feeling super great and I had to get prepared to do that. This was on the radio, and I didn't change it, and I cried a bit while listening to a part in Act One where they talked about people being whole universes.

"A Little Bit of Power"

At my destination, asked God for help because I was feeling shaky. God delivered! I met some very kind and nice people and I was so relaxed afterwards as I enjoyed finishing some errands.

I cooked healthy food to help my body, but wasn't sure if it was as healthy as it could be.

I napped. Not on purpose. Sleep overtook me.

I attempted to walk barefoot in the grass and do an energy balancing routine, and I somewhat succeeded, but also the cat attacked my ankles and I had to do some extra maneuvers with her wildness, but I did it.

There's so much that can be noticed outside, like the way the leaves are changing on a bush. The bush can be a whole universe.

Now I'm trying to zone out for a bit before I do some shopping and use the laundry room.

Why did the day go by so fast?


Suppose that your ancestors who were indigenous to some lands somewhere permit themselves a little smirk now and then?

"When Mr. Indigenous falls sacredly in love😍🦅"


I guess I better go to sleep...

What if i should watch stuff like this more often? Hmmm.

 "Woman Dies During Stroke; Shown Past Lives & Life’s Purpose During NDE"

~ The Other Side NDE

Inspired by the phrase "Postpartum Depression"

(Because it popped up unexpectedly) Why are you (or maybe not you, but others you know) still being persuaded by old patterns to neglect certain kinds of girls and women? It's ridiculous. Wouldn't society be richer and more vibrant if humans were more accepting of all kinds of differences?

My main learning experience happens to be centered on health issues and societal expectations of persons in female bodies in this life, but it could be a different one in another...


"Going to be a LONG and rough day!"


Friday, October 11, 2024

What is this from?

"Love for Green Card"

~ The Pasanis

What else is there to watch?

"can't be trusted"

~ The Pasinis

"My daily meal in 2nd grade 😂"

~ The Pasinis

"Bimbo in America"

~ The Pasinis

"Like a snow"

~ The Pasinis

"Trying vegan lasagna in Italy"

~ The Pasinis

"Hope this clears it up"

~ The Pasinis

"🤫Italian ASMR"

~ The Pasinis

"Did you even eat if you didn't do la scarpetta?"

~ The Pasinis

"We were featured on the Today show"

~ The Pasinis

"our first time flying in business class! we don't belong here 😅"

~ The Pasinis

CATholic? Hahaha.

Holy holy holy addiction to CATS. 

It's almost midnight. Catty day about to start.

Time to watch a cat guy vacuum a cat.


Fun and horror intermingling

"Today a customer ordered the craziest bucket of sweets"


Core memory triggered

"Repair crews will play Whac-A-Mole as first water flows from Asheville reservoir"

Does Asheville have a Chuck E. Cheese?

The worst industry is the boss of other people.

My body is the boss of me.

I don't read books as often as I used to.

"Just Read the Book Already"

I look up content about burnout and ADHD, or how to manipulate your fascia to make your nervous system more healed, and it takes time.

What's a good read for them?


"How to Raise a Feminist Son"

~ Sonora Jha

Could be helpful?

"Son just said, 'you lack youth'"


Share the could work with all ages of folks whose inner children are constantly wreaking havoc...

Sona joins Andy to discuss WEIRD BOSSES on this week’s 


 Call-In Show! They of course discuss their shared Weird Boss: @ConanOBrien and so much more! Listen:

I haven't actually read that book yet, but I'm sure it's probably really good.

Poetry like a river...

"After Helene created a news blackout, here’s what my Asheville neighbors and I did"

By Susanne Paola Antonetta, CNN

Beth Orton - "Blood Red River Lyrics"

"Rolling on the river..." ~ Tina

"Peace Like a River"

Elizabeth Mitchell


Isn't it bizarre. I woke up with chest pain and congestion and unwell feelings and asked God to help me not get ill, and I think I am feeling better now.

Next time, on married guys with kids turning their backs on women...

This is just the kind of woman all the "privileged guys with money" will pay more, and also pay more attention to, but this evil crap happens to lots of other kinds of women too. Grow up.

"is the music industry as evil..."

~ you won't believe me official

There's a purpose to being on this planet.

"Radio Conciencia: Florida Community Station Aims to Keep Immigrant Farmworkers Safe During Hurricanes"

So in a way, geez, thanks, I guess.

I'm glad the patriarchy doesn't want to reward me as much as it rewards some people for being self-absorbed and awful and dehumanizing to others.

Maybe they will be inspired to get help or change for the better someday. Who knows.

There are people don't want to believe that their ways are unhealthy and they continue repeating old patterns because they got rewarded in some ways, and they still keep feeling a need to feed their addictions to old unhealthy patterns.

People get pressured to act like things are okay, and to gaslight themselves and others, just to go along with old patterns in order to survive.

That's their choice, maybe, but it's not as good as what they could be choosing, so it's pretty sad.

Expect better.

Honestly, I also feel like when there's women who know better, who are still going along with these unwell guys, just to survive a hostile environment or to get a me, it also still feels like it is not okay, or well enough for me to feel like I could also be comfortable with doing that.

Sorry, I can't.

The unwell guys want you to tell them it's okay just because that's what others still do in order to get along. I mean, it might seem like it's okay in the sense that there are worse things, but as far as it truly being okay, it's simply not.

Feels so dodgy.

It's as if they're like "I needed to make it in an industry that's really out of balance, and now I'm not okay,  but I need others to also not be okay, too, and to act in very prescribed ways, to make me feel like I have acceptance and company, and to make it okay to be so horrifyingly unwell."

I feel like the patriarchal show business industry just warps people so much.