Saturday, June 22, 2024

Older but recent! "Palm Springs men collect more than 1,200 toys for children of migrant farm workers"

"Lautenbach, who grew up on a dairy farm south of Indianapolis, says his upbringing gave him a special appreciation for farm workers.

"From my childhood and throughout my young adult life, I experienced the perils of fieldwork," he says. "Heat, dehydration, physical exhaustion, social isolation and missed after-school activities. Today, traveling along the Highway 86 corridor to and beyond the Salton Sea, there are miles and miles of date and citrus orchards and fields of various vegetables. I have seen many hard-working migrant farm workers harvesting by hand in the searing summer heat the very fruits and vegetables that I select from my local market without breaking a sweat. I am passionate to show my appreciation and create awareness for all that migrant farm workers do for our valley and the entire country."

~ Winston Gieseke

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