Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So, for some reason, I just decided that I felt like listening to Lola. Which is also the song that makes me think of pot-smoking high school kids on an island in the Pacific Northwest in the '90s. And then of course, I had to think about the Lola that made the biggest impression on my life...

Lola was an Amazon parrot. She was in love with a guy I went out with who was a rainforest guide. He used to catch baby caimans and he knew all sorts of bird calls...also, he'd climb the vines up giant kapok trees. When I worked in a warehouse job one summer (wrapping ties and trinkets for the Smithsonian magazine) I talked about him, and the boys I worked with guffawed and called him "Tarzan." So insensitive. Anyways, Lola was a smart parrot with a scary beak.She stole the key to my room and wouldn't give it back to me. But why was her attitude towards me so bizarre? I guess she felt competitive or something...

Aw, two Lolas...

Not long ago, the ex from Peru wrote and asked if I'd ever move back. He pointed out how great the food is down there. True, but alas, I am not as money'd as I was in my youth...

Fly, Lola, fly....

(Pics from Walls of the Wild, Scarlet Macaw Petshop, and a travel blog.)

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