Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am kind of bummed that I didn't take the opportunity to see this artist perform this song, Strong Black Vine, at the DAR Hall. Hah. I had no interest in going back then, though. And it is weird, because after she came here, I went to Michigan and so did the artist. I wasn't thinking about that at the time. DAR Hall makes me think of this lawyer I worked with. She left to live by some big famous Chinese Theater in the LA area and came back for a visit. I had to run after her in the mall one night with her cell phone in my hand "Keep it!" she flung at me. She was extremely drunk and not wearing the most sensible outfit. When I started scrolling through her contacts list to call someone for help, she became more interested in her possession. After walking into a broom closet and peeing in it, she came up behind me and began making growling noises. I kept scrolling. My hand was shaking. Finally she leapt on my back and got her phone back and I gave up on trying to influence her and left. The next day, she called to apologize.
She was in DAR.

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