Friday, December 13, 2024

Smoke break! But not really.

If this were another era I'd be on a smoke break, but instead, I am on a Vitamin D break.

What era are we living in?

Team Coco | “Here I am recreating the iconic opening shot..."

I see the Sound of Music vibes, and nice, frosty air coming off the mountains tells me, maybe we could hang out when things get more healed in this land, or maybe not ever!!!

In the meantime, maybe he and E.M. and J.D. can get together and have a men's movement of healing for themselves.

Oh yeah, I forgot Z.B. He can come too.

(He kinda gets more of a pass and is less traumatic since at least he was a pretty  nice little kid. Congrats to Z.B.?)

I do have some other thoughts on the "manic pixie dream girl" stuff, tho...

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