Sunday, April 21, 2024

I am also reading a review or two of a play this morning.

"Like his previous play at Kiln Theatre, ‘Wife’, Adamson plays deftly with gender and expectation. The script wheels around and upends what we think we know about Hattie’s decline into self-destructive alcoholism and James’s success as a composer for an anodyne, oh-so-’90s Richard Curtis-style film about a cutout of a female character whose cancer teaches all the other male characters something."

"The Ballad of Hattie and James, Kiln Theatre review"


"What a special night last night, seeing the incredible new play by Samuel Adamson #theballadofhattieandjames at @KilnTheatre
It's a truly powerful and moving drama.
Congratulations to everybody involved, not a dry eye in the house.  t."

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