Monday, January 15, 2024

It's been a life! I have observed...

Sometimes in this life, you might meet people who seem able to communicate with you well enough when you're meeting with them one on one, but then, when they change their personalities a lot around other people, for reasons of needing attention, career advancement, financial rewards, etcetra...that's when some things that had potential can start to get derailed. 

It can get derailed by just a little bit or by a lot, because not everyone who can be alright with you one on one is gonna have the same values when they meet other people. Then, when their behavior changes around certain kinds of people, it becomes painfully apparent that  it's a lot less likely to go in another direction now.

What happened to your other personality? We were getting along so well when you were behaving differently...what did you do to that guy? Did you just kill him off? Why did you do that?

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