Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Maybe Finger Pointing is an Act of Kindness in Some Circumstances.

"The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza today told us that even when the flow of aid picks back up to prewar levels, the backlog means it will take months to get much-needed assistance to those in need in Gaza. “There are hundreds of thousands of people living under pieces of plastic right now. To bring in the supplies required to get them into shelter is a mammoth task. We’ve lost thousands and thousands of trucks that should have come in, haven’t come in,” Tom White, head of UNRWA in Gaza, said from inside Gaza. White also pointed a finger of blame at Israel, stating that it has “deliberately used food, water, fuel as a weapon of war,” adding that he’s never seen “as a humanitarian in a conflict zone in a situation where there is so little I available to deliver to people.” Israel has consistently denied that it is using the Gaza blockade as a means of collective punishment. 

~ Hala Gorani


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