Saturday, August 19, 2023

Gee, why aren't they better than that already?

Show business cults remind me of a wealthy highschool where the unruly Catholic guy who screamed "slut" at a girl on stage in a play (because of what she said or how she was dressed) was mildly reprimanded by one female teacher and laughed at by other girls. 

On the other hand, "Al Gore's daughters are the hot daughters," and they're too rich to be called sluts (in that culture.)

One time two guys cornered me and called me that name, and then the female teacher yelled at ME.

An administrator raped an underage girl while clubbing but nobody ever did anything about it, and I think she left and went to another school, maybe?

And it was where no one came ever out of the closet but they'd also go around exclaiming "You're gay!" and "That's so gay!" as a put down just because everyone else was doing it.

And being sexist was also considered normal, and being a feminist meant you hated men, but the best way to be anti-racist was to give a rich person lots of attention and compliments. 

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