Monday, July 17, 2023

Kept dropping off to sleep while reading after eating a salad

"When Veil was asked how she found the stamina to withstand the onslaught of vitriolic attacks during the debate on abortion, she always repeated that she owed it all to her mother."

"Simone Veil" | Jewish Women's Archive

"It is now second nature for Jews to look at their gentile neighbors with a different perspective. Instead of judging them by the way they maintain their house and yard, Jews have begun to ask if they would hide them from antisemitic persecution."

~ Uri Pilichowski

"...less than 5 per cent of female guards were formal members of the Nazi party. For some then, the lure of a stable, well-paid job complete with uniform and accommodation was enough."

~ Lauren Willmott

"Female guards earned approximately 185 RM, considerably more than the average wage of women of the same age in an unskilled factory job, 76 RM. Becoming a guard represented upward mobility for many of these under-educated and lower-class women. Even so, the recruitment campaign from 1942 onwards failed to attract the large numbers the SS needed in order to manage the increasing number of female prisoners. Instead, they had to turn to conscription. Even Irma Grese claimed that the labour exchange ‘sent [her] to Ravensbrück’, where all female guards underwent training, and that ‘[she] had no option’."

~ Lauren Willmott

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