Tuesday, July 18, 2023

How about overcoming the stigma of men getting therapy or some form of help with healing from trauma?

Since the universe decided to arrange things in certain ways for me, my assessment of the older versions of some wounded men is they are still acting out the traumas they're carrying.

Sometimes, their vibe is kinda like:

"Part of me loves to help people, but I also really just love to feel like I can be in control the most of all. I feel so thrilled when the controlling, bullying side of me kicks in again. So strangely satisfying! Who knows why?"

It is sad that both Elon and C got beat up by bullies when they were younger. 

I feel that C's much younger self was a nice enough person to encounter on a walk through some woods...and E's a little bit younger self was also a decent person to sit next to on two airplanes (even if I had no idea why the airline people kept switching my seat at the time). I hope they both get more professional help with processing and overcoming the traumas they're still carrying around with them. 

Who needs to carry that around for the rest of their lives?

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