Thursday, June 01, 2023

And some other "golden words."

"I adore this life. In the war, my mother and I were always jumping around. In the complete breakdown of Europe, we just kept moving, with two trunks. She would say, 'Are we all right? Are we in a good mood? Yes - we have nothing to eat, but we are in a good mood. So I never changed my style of life. I still go from one town to another with two trunks, but not so poor."

"Rebroff: A Group In One"

"I am very healthy and very happy. My mother said see in all things, first of all the best. If you lose one eye, you can look to people who have two eyes and say poor me, or you can look to those who are completely blind. Even in the darkest situation of your life, you never know if it is good."

"The best could happen."

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