Sunday, November 14, 2021

Still alive again

"Mukwege believes that challenging misogyny in peacetime is paramount, in order to fortify society in moments of conflict. The first things to confront are silence and shame used “to keep women under control of men”. He adds: “When I talk in the west, I am always telling them: ‘What I am showing you, it’s happening even here, in your country.’”

~ Nesrine Malik

"'I can’t explain how I am still alive’: Dr Denis Mukwege on risking his life to save African women" | Women's health | The Guardian

"In all my career, Lucy Peach is the only interview subject who has ever asked me what day of my cycle I’m on...

'It’s so weird we’ve been conditioned to think our bodies are inherently problematic, that female bodies are problems to be fixed,' she says."

~ Jacqueline Maley

"Menstruation: The women pushing for period issues to be political"

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