Friday, November 19, 2021

Culture needs to change

"Some days, Vaughn said, he has been joined by dozens of other men like him, men who were abused and taken advantage of by Anderson, men who have come by to stand vigil and demand respect. He said some of the female athletes who were violated by Dr. Larry Nassar at Michigan State University have also stopped by."

~ Corky Siemaszko

"Ex-Michigan football star says he was abused by a team doctor. Now he’s demanding answers."

“Some of them learned about it the first time from me,” he said. “I’ve also heard some heartbreaking stories from them, which tells me the university still hasn’t gotten a handle on sexual assault. I talked to one inspiring young woman who said she worries more about getting raped on campus than she does about picking out a major.”

"The Anderson case echoes the ongoing Dr. Richard Strauss scandal at Michigan’s Big 10 rival Ohio State University, where hundreds of men have accused the university of failing to protect them from a predator doctor."

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