Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Also have to say

Telling someone who has experienced violence in a darkened place that they can't call something sketchy or shady strikes me as Misogynistic Tone Policing.

What if it is literally a shaded area and you say a place looks shady and if your focus on that being a bad word to say is because you don't want to admit how much people made you ignore violence that happens in shaded areas because you're taught to ignore it, especially in regard to priests, sports figures, film industry moguls, people with money in general...but also with less famous people.

I was truly shocked to learn that the place which seems to have never truly acknowledged  happened to this person in a very very very dark place

"Justice for Aarefah Mosavi! Stop Rape and Sexual Assault! - BAMN"

wants to shame people for using words like shady or sketchy.

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