Thursday, December 03, 2020

Stars giving some ideas?

Dreams too. Songs too. Memories too. And even WORDS.

Dreams (the kind that happen when you're snoring), and free time, and some searches, were in the cards. And things were found. A lot of things. And just one thing, among those many things, was...a piece of writing...that just...sort of...was about Wonder Woman and it made you READ it. HA! You're welcome, inner child.

So, that's good and now you can get ideas for more things to show young people...but...since it's rather late in the term...that might have to wait for another the meantime, you can just look up...Three whole music videos that you hadn't heard of before! By Wonder Girls and G-Dragon and Big Bang. Oh, by the time of K-Pop video #3, there was some sort of significant internal shift going on.  I mean, in addition to anticipating to a late night jaunt to the grocery store (didn't happen last night...we chickened will happen tonight though!) TRAVEL seemed like it could become interesting again. Yes, there was those who thought they could travel, before the health problems became everything. 

Now, the very fact that your health problems and your pains and your anxieties aren't as significant to others can be what makes them so might say, perhaps even monstrous...well, when the suffering is minimal, we can attempt to be humorous. Like the Anchorman t-shirt you shipped to your SO for the holidays last year when you were halfway across the country: "I'm kind of a big deal" etc. etc. etc.

And that's why you only spent $77 at the CBD store on Sunday without planning on it.

Yeeees, weeee knooowe.

Well there is a pandemic going on, too. But! Travel could happen again, maybe? Someday...

In the meantime, there's pie.

I saved some for my grocery shopping companion.

So he can't be indignant.


I told him about microwaving it so the crust is still good.


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