Friday, November 08, 2019


"We tell ourselves, the school teacher that left millions was just lucky. No. She wasn’t. She was just playing a different game than you were."

~ S. Parrish

WAS she really playing the "Long Game"

just because she inherited a house from her parents and her brother helped her with her finances

"In the long game, power and distance are required so that the player's ball can approach the putting green in as few strokes as possible. In the short game, the skills needed are more finesse-related due to the need for accuracy. In order to be a successful golfer, a player must master both aspects of the game."

~ C. Joseph

couldn't even play any game without the groundskeepers

"What if you had to make a choice between hunger or deportation? As the Trump era unfolds in California, fear of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement crackdown is disrupting the daily lives of immigrants and their families. In a state with 5.4 million non-citizen residents—and where nearly half of all children have at least one immigrant parent—the president’s promise to increase deportations may already be affecting the health and livelihoods of families, even those here legally, by discouraging them from turning to public-assistance programs or from working."

~ G. Kauffman

or food

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