Friday, July 05, 2019

And discuss...


"In your travels with your dog, Lewis Carroll, and your Prius, Miss Bingley, what is the most surprising thing you found in talking to the women you met? 

"I was shocked, and this is across all classes, all social ranks, this is going down to the Midwest and the South, that women could not name five females they'd like to see become president. They could not do it. They would take 15 minutes, but then would come up with maybe one or two people. JK Rowling was on the list. Ellen ranked high. Oprah was mentioned by 90% of the women I asked. They'd say Oprah first, then Ellen. And then they'd pause and there would be a long silence. They couldn't picture a female president. They just couldn't."

What did you conclude from that? 

"Well, we don't see female leaders, so we can't imagine them as leaders. Now, this is in 2017, when I was on the road. This is pre-Elizabeth Warren, even though she was a senator. Kamala was a senator, I think. Female leaders have to be in front of you all the time for your brain to come up with the image. And this is what we're changing now."

(L. Haber & E. Jean Carroll)

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