Monday, June 24, 2019

A "kids" thought

Kids look up to teenagers a lot and absorb a ton of information from them.

I have vivid memories of my childhood babysitters, who were mostly teenage girls.
I also remember camp counselors from two time periods: 5th grade (the whole class went to an "outdoor school" for a week) and a summer "science" camp at age eleven or twelve? Those counselors were mostly age 14-16.

This one was bossy. That one dated guys way too old for her. She sure could sing and dance around a campfire.

Yay, Washington state ;-)

I must return! I have not been there in 20 ****ing years!!!!

Song Memory: sowing the seeeeeeeds...

That's mixed up in there somewhere.

Oh. I have that summer camp to thank for my love of Jojoba shampoo. I just...shared some with a girl??? And I really...liked it???? And the tradition of sharing stories outdoors...

Yeah PNW people like camping! That's the impression I got.

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