Sunday, May 08, 2016

m légendes

MARY ~  "A stray cat happened to wonder by. The cat paused at the sound of the baby crying.  Instinctively the cat jumped into the manger and settled down next to Jesus. Jesus  peacefully fell fast asleep snuggled up against the soft and warm cat. In loving gratitude Mary stroked the forehead of the cat. As she did the cat received the mark of Mary. The M would for all eternity be a reminder of Mary’s gratitude of the lovely act of kindness."

MUHAMMED  ~ " Muhammad was sitting with his favorite cat. The cats name was Muezza. Muezza had fallen asleep on part of the robe that Muhammad was wearing. As he sat there quietly he heard the call to prayer. Muhammad needed to go but did not want to wake up his cat. He took out his knife and very carefully cut off the sleeve of his robe. The cat slept undisturbed and Muhammad attended the prayer meeting. Legend has it that ever since that special incident the tabby cat has the mark of Muhammad on its forehead." ~

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