Thursday, April 03, 2014

Compulsion denied

Sadly, could not immediately find an "Eskimo" Heathers video clip...

Church.  Father Ripper, wearing very weird clothes is speaking.

He holds in his hand Heather D.'s copy of "Moby Dick."

                           FATHER RIPPER  

               Eskimo! Heather Duke underlined a lot 

               of things in this copy of Moby Dick, 

               but I believe the word "Eskimo" 

               underlined all by itself, is the key to 

               understanding Heathers pain. On the 

               surface, Heather Duke was the vivacious 

               young lady we all knew her to be, but 

               her soul was in Antarctica! Freezing 

               with the knowledge of the way fellow 

               teenagers can be cruel, the way that 

               parents can be unresponsive. And as she 

               writes so eloquently in her suicide 

               note, the way that life can suck! We'll 

               all miss Sherwood's little eskimo. Lets 

               just hope she's rubbing noses with 


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