Friday, March 07, 2014

such weather

This morning, in the course of sporadically checking FB, I noticed that once again, one of my friends has shocked me by having the nerve to die after a long illness (muscular dystrophy.) We used to be in a writing group together. Also, we met through a church. Sigh. Okay, girls who wanted to talk to me about the lord. My friend also gave me two gifts: The Wishbone Galaxy and Clan Apis. Sadly, I think I must have put the latter in the pile to be donated when I moved across the country. (why? why? why? why?) However, I can at least find another copy of it in the library. I still have the other one (a slender volume, very easy to pack.) The first poem in it begins: "All the hair of your life comes back to you" and ends with "the thorns, the drunkenness, the choking hairballs..."

In Wishbone, I found a note to myself about what my friend said to me when he gave me this book. He said that the poet reminded him of me. "He said she/her poems are like scattered energy that settles down." Also, he asked me if I was Jewish, because she is. That again! Actually, I think my sister said she found one Jewish ancestor on our mother's side when she traced the family tree. So if her research was correct, then maybe, if you count one person from about a thousand years ago...

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