Sunday, August 22, 2004

Back to the land of apple trees

Its about time to make the long haul to upstate NY. Today's tasks: pack, clean out car. I still have old student evaluations in an envelope in the backseat. Just remembering that I didn't give any solid As last semester...oh well, c'est la vie... :-D

Last night's weird dream: My friends and I went back to a city near the ocean, and water ran under the streets, but not with big waves, and it was water the people could swim in! (Not like a sewer or anything.) My friends would jump into one hole and swim and pop up another like a jack-in-the-box. They looked so cute, like urban mermaids. I tried to take pictures but my camera didn't work so I had to run into a store and buy another one. I thought I walked out without paying it but then I found the receipt and it proved that I had, I just didn't remember paying for it. Then I was all set to take pictures. But I found out that one friend had just gone to a relative's house and they were going to look at a school she might attend. I tried to convince the other friend to go back to the swimming holes, but she wasn't in the mood for it.

Not all of the fun moments can be caught on camera.

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