Saturday, August 31, 2024

Time to venture outside...


~ annaakana

"never experience self doubt again"

~ annaakana


~ annaakana


~ annaakana


~ annaakana

A Useful Tool.

 "Window of Tolerance"

~ annaakana

X: I want a coffee and a pastry 

(Like those girls enjoyed in As the Waltz was Ending before the Nazis ruined things)

Y: Do you want to go shopping at that one place 

X: okay we could go there 

Y: I have reason to go to that area 

X: What is the reason 

Y: I may have bought something 

X: What did you buy 

Y: More of that thing 

(A thing that can either make the buyer some money or lose some money)

X: okay I guess that's a good reason 

Y: on clearance 

X: hmmm

X: I think I need to lay down and process this so I'm not going to have any coffee and pastry 

X: I will just digest and process the raspberries and water for a little while.

Time for a coffee and a smoke.

"black cat vs. golden retriever"

~ annaakana and thehazelhayes

It's a pastry delight...maybe...

"not avoidant"


And now I am southern...

 A skit!

Oh my goddess

Anna Akana

Sorry, another terrible joke.

"It's okay to be horrifically sexist and racist now because I OWN THINGS. Nevermind, just kidding."

People can be strange...

The internet, or maybe just their behavior, makes some people look very strange sometimes. For example, they apparently can't stop and notice that an American (an unwell older white man) killed fellow Americans not too far from where they live, yet they are busy posting things about how they still think they need Trump to protect them from all the dangerous foreign people.

"Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular"

"Donald Trump and His Boomer Base: My Generation Has Not Aged Well"

Oh, do they want to call a community meeting because of something that happened nearby? No, it's something they saw on TV and now they say they need Trump to evict all the foreign dangerous people so that they can feel safe.

"In 1980, white people accounted for about 80 percent of the U.S. population.

In 2024, white people account for about 58 percent of the U.S. population.

Trump appeals to white people gripped by demographic hysteria. Especially older white people who grew up when white people represented a much larger share of the population. They fear becoming a minority.

While the Census Bureau says there are still 195 million white people in America and that they are still the majority, the white population actually declined slightly in 2023, and experts believe that they will become a minority sometime between 2040 and 2050.

Every component of the Trump-Republican agenda flows from these demographic fears."

~ James Risen

The Internet, or maybe just their behavior, makes some people look very prejudiced, sometimes.

"I’m a baby boomer myself, and I no longer recognize my own generation. A big slice of white boomers are now living on hate. They hate nearly everything and everybody — even Disney and Taylor Swift! — because Trump and MAGA and Fox News have told them to. They hate books, vaccines, colleges, unions, corporations, cities, Hollywood, Broadway, the NBA and the NFL, Black people, brown people, and of course immigrants. They really hate immigrants. They are convinced that college professors and journalists secretly control America.

My generation has not aged well."

~ James Risen

Friday, August 30, 2024

Oh wow...😺

"You look like a baby who’s suddenly aged fifty years"

~ The Office

In incarnated conclusion, until next time...

People should enjoy poetry gatherings more often!

"Split the Lark - and you'll find the Music" by Emily Dickinson'll-find-the-Music

Ah! There's three I just felt like watching.

"Summertime in Scotland"

~ johnmurrayjnr

"I'm sorry"

~ stuartmackeyofficial


~ hedwigmood

It's great to stay in. But also, great to remember watching some shooting stars.

People who died nearby have moved on. The tale of two grandfathers who had the same illness came back to me. Because one died quickly due to his treatment, and the other one lived longer, but needed lots of care for a good while. The one who died quickly had been very independent. Perhaps it's not so surprising...

Because even I don't know?

No one knows what certain states or experiences were like, because even the person who went through them doesn't know anymore, because they've been forgotten; maybe the "forgetting the pain after it's no longer quite as painful"  phenomenon happens for a reason. Maybe the pain is a good sign of growing and evolving because you're still in the Earth school. Others have moved on...

I just feel so bewildered, sometimes...

By the on-purpose lack of depth and introspection, or any hint of interest in spirituality, and actually being satisfied with relying on that as a coping mechanism. 

"Raise your hand if..."


And yet, what if it's also almost kinda  understandable, in a way? 

Also, feel sorry for this guy and his gang sometimes...

"'I Felt Like I Was In The Movie Carrie:’ Zach Braff..."

I never watch movies anymore. Maybe I could treat this like a scan list, and see if my body can tell me which one of these thoughts is the most useful to contemplate?

"42 Thoughts I Had Watching Zach Braff’s Rom-Com ‘French Girl'"

Looks like a good cloud.


After this important message..

Which I thought about when I sprayed water on the lawn and saw a single rainbow.

"What does it mean?"

Yosemitebear Mountain Double Rainbow 1-8-10

Well, weird universe...

"Mystery as elderly couple and their dog go missing"

I think

"Elderly couple missing from California nudist ranch believed dead as neighbor is charged with murder"

I'll go back

"Olive Dell Ranch is the most beautiful place if ever been to!"

~ Alex Gervacio

to Schrute Farms.

"Jim and Pam Stay at Schrute Farm" - The Office

Look at this creature.

 Pampered and protected.

No trips to the shrink for meeeyoow...😻

The ground and the sky?

"Where are places you believe the 'veil is thin' between worlds"


Deep thoughts...

Lost the flower of life necklace for several days but the other evening, there it was, right on the bedside table. Either I had a blind spot, or some fairies kidnapped it and then put it back, and it was blending into a brochure, but seriously... I want to start thinking more about fairies again.

I got it yesterday, and I'd get it again, but let the ice melt in it more, cuz it's very sweet...

"Starbucks new apple drink: What the iced apple crisp chai actually tastes like"

I like trees that look like a clouds.

I believe I need a delivery of tacos and a little break to enjoy nice view.

Weird dreams. Scattered feelings. Surrender to scattered energy. Feel better soon. Learn whatever you need to learn from life.

"Elderly couple missing from California nudist ranch believed dead as neighbor is charged with murder"

Thursday, August 29, 2024

My curiosity...

"Dwight Owns a Bed and Breakfast - The Office US"

"Schrute Farms (The Office)- Horror Movie Trailer"

"Jim and Pam Stay at Schrute Farm" - The Office

X: So I thought you would like the free shirt because you've watched the office...

Y: No, I haven't...

X: But you have that one shirt...oh maybe that was a different that was from a's that shirt you have with the stapler guy...

Y: That's office space...

X: Oh okay...well, we have this shirt now...

But literacy at the human Earth life level is of course amazing...

I was recently thinking about how I liked visual art and music better than words as a kid, but then when I got older I found that I liked reading so much, but it was originally because I wanted to be able to see what people were laughing at when they read comics, and I thought about enjoying reading better than writing and yet the writing was what people seemed to want more of when I got older, and there's a kind of duality of privilege / burden dynamic that's seems like it's still getting worked out...

One of these things is not like the other...the cat seems to like this new shirt...

"Schrute Farms Rooms: Pictures & Reviews - Tripadvisor"

Later the hamster wheel someone left outside apparently had some takers, but not the funhouse-sized mirror, still...

"Schrute Farms | Honesdale | DiscoverNEPA"

Free shirt came not from the "free on the corner" pile but from someone who took her friend to see "Blink Twice" on her birthday, 

Blink Twice Trailer #1 (2024)

And she didn't enjoy it but she says, amazing how different their tastes are LOL, she just liked this actor...

"Channing Tatum 'Couldn't Leave the Bathroom' After for 12 Hours After Swallowing Pool Water in Mexico"

Speaking of which, when I got sudden food poisoning, that was one of the first things I read when I started to feel better. I realized that it was like the shortest, easiest case of food poisoning ever, and it's definitely not something I want to experience again, but it was interesting to notice it was like not like the normal food poisoning. It was more like the 20-minute version of food poisoning. Then I had to convalesce for a few hours afterwards just to make sure I was okay but I was just trying to get over the shock of it, and how come somebody else ate almost the exact same things I did and didn't get the food poisoning?

This just helps sometimes...

"Yosemitebear Mountain Double Rainbow 1-8-10"

Did you choose a weird life? Did the weird life choose you? Did you make a plan ahead of time for things to get weird? Did you have an agreement with the universe that weird things would happen? What does it mean?

"Schrute Farms | Dunderpedia: The Office Wiki | Fan"

If our universe's spiritual and personal shenanigans are intersecting, is it time to get into environmentalism?

You know how there's information out there...

What if we could change...the way we were trained to be out of touch with nature and with spirituality...and get back to having more access to those seems like it would be a step in the right direction.

I know why we get out of touch. I know that there's all these things we're supposed to learn and we're supposed to do. We're supposed to accomplish certain things, and we need to put food on the table, and there's all of that.

But sometimes in life, things that matter happen, and those things might make you start to question why sometimes humans get so out of touch with other kinds of things.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Now I must go inside and enjoy the electricity.

"A-Dress-ing The Accusations"

"Ken Paxton Is in Big Trouble After Raiding Homes..."

"I married a monster..."


"Business is GOOD!"


"Why chopsticks are efficient"


"German bad boy be like"


It's weird to think about how parts of a person can be deposited all over the planet.

From all of their learning experiences...

"Too Fat Polka sung by Frankie Yankovic"


"Meeting a time traveler IRL"


"Song from 1928. Ramona, Ruth Etting.
Betsy's Queer Old Songs"


Today's big message

You want to goooo to a lake up north where the water is bluuue and the treeees are greeeen... 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The joy of seeing a truly great quote about a Narcissist.

Yeah, take that narcissistic person, that'll show them, that'll make them reform their ways.

Perhaps it's time to study feng shui.

There's a ridiculously tall mirror outside that's been there for several days, with no takers, and it might be giving me touch of prank PTSD, because it's three times bigger than a regular mirror, or perhaps it's just a little touch of PTSD telling me that it might be a prank?

"Natives when they sing for the ancestors..."

Interesting medical problem?

Humor is good.

"Signs you’re integrating into Germany"


She's funny.



I am putting myself on a better course.

I choose to get better and I choose more healing now.

People need healing tools to help them feel better

People need help with smoothing and balancing aspects of life so they can feel well. People deserve better health.

You all need a time out!

I'm not watching that show.

Laurie Kilmartin on X: "One of the greatest guest performances ever - Miriam as Erika on The Americans"

Yup, still looks that way...

"Nyah nyah, I was SO much better behaved than the others. Ha-ha!"

~ The Voice of Healing 

"The muffin saga continues 😈"

Something to try...

"This is peach gum..."


BIG Hummingbird REALLY liked THOSE trees.

 Yes indeed.

Way over yonder.

Maybe I can get a picture next time...

Pardon me...

"Additional widening of the eyes..."

~ englishenjoyed

I can't wait to watch...

"Grey Poupon Commercials: A Journey Through Elegance"


Oh, goodness.

"Feeling blue 💙"

~ englishenjoyed

Amongst the chosen?

"Me myself and I 🙋🏻‍♂️..."

~ englishenjoyed

What in their scary childhoods makes some people act so weird once they get hold of some power?

"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton raids Latino Democrats' homes..."

"Another woman alleges sexual assault by Neil Gaiman"

Change is interesting and good, sometimes.

"From farmworker to doctor: A bold dream is reuniting her with her Indigenous community"

"Georgia judge blocks federal rule allowing migrant farmworkers to join unions in 17 states"

O. Not US.

"The Lotos-eaters" | The Poetry Foundation

Next time, on the show about The Lotus Eaters...

Who wants to be a wealthy woman who acts like wealthy men are way more important than everyone else on the entire planet?

Not everyone.

Human sensitivity can be a gift.

It's the 2020s.

There are some women and men (quite a few, sadly) who still act like they've trained themselves to do whatever an abusive Patriarchy wanted them to do in their quest for some kinds of rewards.

However, there are also some people who seek better ways of expressing themselves. 

There are even some people who seem to feel inspired to change their ways...

Monday, August 26, 2024

Peaceful moments. Treasure them.

The "in the moment" feeling is what feels the best.  In the morning, it was as if the universe wanted me to acknowledge so many nooks and crannies where trauma and unwell feelings had been hiding. I needed to try to process those states with tapping, essences. It was not easy to experience, but looking back now, it went so fast...Later, there was a meditational moment...saw a huge hummingbird out the window, but couldn't think of wanting to take a picture of it until after it left...a while later, I noticed it felt like time was marching on and there was a need to delegate what needed to be done in the evening versus what could wait for another day...and now I feel like accepting that peace can feel good is truly my favorite part of the day. Good evening...

Realities are being realized all over the planet...

Someday, you too may go through things so quickly that you have no idea how to even describe what's happening; you just know that it's you're time to get through it. And that's okay. And also, I think that tapping, perhaps tapping without words, is one of those techniques that really helps, for some people. Just one of MANY.

The opportunity is really good.

The opportunity to learn more about how to get better.

Could be worse! But also, could be better?

"Millions Of People Can’t Get Enough Of The ‘Useless Farm'"

I'll be looking...

"the Snacks at Trader Joe's that Only Women Can See"

~ Chris fleming

I saw this! Funny, huh.

"I must have a bad vibe idk"


Probably more fun than my dreams about death were. Possibly. Perhaps not tho.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Something's going on...

"The Absolute BEST Of Uncle Colm"| Derry Girls

Whatcha lookin' at, cat.


Talk about being "grounded."

"15 Fascinating Facts About Andrew Wyeth’s ‘Christina's World'"


 "Purslane: Health Benefits and Recipes"

It's a fun internet!

"Derry Girls | The Very Best Of Sister Michael"

I'll be enjoying the SLO life again, someday...


 "A 12-year-old might’ve grown your food."

It's very hot out there...I need to drink water and wait until it gets darker...

"He is Obsessed with Garden Frogs 😂"

"You’re witnesses of the crunch"


"Crunchy mom saw WHAT in the clouds?"


"Healing ALL the trauma..."




Cute little teeth 😻💗🦷

Maybe unkempt bunny next door came over to say it needs a spa day

"Do you think Winston enjoyed it? 🧼🤍🐱#mainecoon"

I won't take a picture of it though.

I had a big nap and then I ate more of my nice little actually not quite vegan bowl and then some of my black beans got on the side of the dish and it looked like a little angel!

Very good vegan lunch bowl!

Mexican-style riced cauliflower, black beans, sweet potato, roasted broccoli. Not too much, even though my tastebuds enjoyed the flavors.

Maybe a juice fast today will help repair the damage of yesterday...


"The love language we DON'T share..."


I like this song so much sometimes...

Faye Webster - "But Not Kiss (Official Video)"

It was playing on the radio when we got to the ice cream place, and it made life feel better. I heard this new one the radio for the first time; it's  interesting.

"Blondshell interrogates family ties on 'What’s Fair'"

Dear diary, this book wanted me to read it in the bookstore the other day...

And so I did!

"Exclusive Excerpt: The Queen of Wands: The Story of Pamela Colman Smith"

Now I'm looking for some more articles about her. 

"Pamela Colman Smith Was The Artist..."

Forgive me, Jesus.

What kind of psychic or fortune teller...

"The Black Lotus" - SNL

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Let's do flowers in water.


Dear neti pot, thanks and it's castor oil pack's turn now.

All the lessons the humbling body and brain have to impart, messing up all those great plans for the evening to just quietly work on a puzzle and listen to a podcast...or postponing them, at any rate.

Oh, I just had another idea.

What if it's this apple cider vinegar concoction stuff I made. 

I was the only one who had that. 

Maybe that had something to do with getting so ill, suddenly?

Hmmm. Not sure. Maybe I was something I ate, too. But I am getting rid of it.

Like, I really hope the rest of the evening is gonna be much calmer and better now.

I feel like I just had a physical metaphor for how some of my mental and emotional states have been lately. 

I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm cool. I'm great. 

Now I'm dying. 

Okay, now I'm better again.

So I almost don't want to blame the burger. Because after all someone else ate the burger, too. And that person seems fine. But I feel it was the burger. But also. What if it's just me. If so, that was a hell of a way to get my attention. I rarely react to any food that way, like I can count on one hand how many times that kind of food poisoning type of thing has happened to me.

But I have a lot of hope that the rest of the evening is going to be much calmer now.

Hopefully the rest of the evening will be better again now.

That was harsh, but I hope it's over now. My body decided something was poisonous and needed it out of me right away.

And here I am with someone who ate almost all the same things. And he has no symptoms.

" If you start to feel bad, make sure you take some of these charcoal pills."


It's a humbling time and the ginger tea is being brewed.

Earth body reminds me that we have to take care of our bodies and what we put into them. I feel perhaps the ice cream was fine, but then I ate something else later... A spicy burger which I shared with someone else... And that person was not bothered by anything we ate...but clearly, we have different genetics... I'm going to ask my body to be nice to me and let's not be in too much more pain this evening please. I will try to make it better. I promise.

It was time!

An amazing night to get Hawaiian ice cream! Red VW bus led the way, parking available right in front of the shop, almost no line, and tables emptying out both inside and outside at convenient times! 

And then, the night continued to unfold...

Part of me wants to train my brain to get better at liking boring things.

I was thinking about taking an online accounting class because they're free.

There's a Jesus, too.

"ANGEL IN THE MOUNTAIN" - video Dailymotion

Now I'm going to try to find the rock formation that looks like the angel on the mountain.

Maybe an angel pushed me and made a hole happen on the side of my pants so I wouldn't forget it when I went on a little detour that one time. Maybe.

I was a little bit better about taking some flower essences today.

"The ‘Angel of San Jacinto’ is still there on Mount San Jacinto"


I might get some Hawaiian food.

"Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving?"


That guy...

I was thinking a little bit about the older guy at the end of this video who lives on the house he built on the cliff. I feel like it's the most impressive part. 

"Hawaii: Paradise Turned to Hell"

~ Tyler Oliveira

Well even if it's not a one and done thing

It's fun processing, horrible traumatic emotions and getting better. Or not so fun, sometimes.

But then sometimes, it does get a little bit fun. 

Like feeling a little bit better after surviving a very painful impact. 

Like bones mending could feel bad, but also good, but also interesting, but also, who knows what's going to happen tomorrow?

I don't know why I feel like saying it's kind of fun.

Even though it wasn't fun. To be in a painful state of mind.

I still feel that way, I guess. I think it's kind of fun, sometimes. Processing things.

You might need to take a get some help.

Fun story! (One of many...)

"A Price For The Devil To Pay, Part 9"

"Hispanic Towns Where People Live On LESS THAN $300"

Friday, August 23, 2024


"Dealing with grief and loss..."


It's like a summer theme, in a way...

"4th of July in the context of Carrie and Lowell"

What if he just needed some more building block therapy?

"Trump the 'Bully': How Childhood & Military School Shaped Him"

~ Frontline PBS

Oh, she's still impressed.

 Yeeesh, brain impairment.

But still...

I wonder if I should look up the whole segment now.

"Jon Stewart mocked the DNC for excluding Palestinian-American voices"

It really is that kind of door...

Had some gnocchi for dinner.  In cream sauce. And dandelion greens. (Those are good for the digestive organs). And a little red wine. 

I should go out to Joshua Tree sometime soon! The nights are getting a wee bit cooler.

U2 - "Pride (In The Name Of Love)"

"Come on, you can see how boring I am and then want to go outside again," a man says to a cat who got tired of chasing the other human's robe tail.

Now she's licking caccio de pepe cream sauce out of the casserole dish.

Oh, not anymore. She can open the screen door by herself. It's that kind of door.

So a while ago I think I gave away a bathrobe but forgot to give away the long silky tie that went with it.

And tonight I got the brilliant idea to put it down the back of my pants so it drags behind me like it's a tail and now I can just walk around the apartment and occasionally put my hand at the small of my back when the cat pounces on it and I feel, like, really smart.


 "Ecological Traps..."

~ howies_everythingclub

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - "Tears Of A Clown"

Not now, but either later tonight or tomorrow...

"Hospice: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)"

Hello, web.


You're looking gossamer today.

Many names, one herb.

"The Vietnamese garden update"


"Houttuynia cordata, also known as fish mint, fish leaf, rainbow plant, chameleon plant, heart leaf, fish wort, or Chinese lizard tail..."

"Houttuynia cordata" - Wikipedia

Ramen for a month.

"my worst nightmare 😩 #cat"


Life wouldn't be the same if we couldn't watch fairytales...

"Cinderella’s Slipper" - SNL

Crunchy Mom might be neurodivergent.

"RIP baby squirrel..."


Maybe it's time for a Newer Deal.

"The big divergence between farm labor and other workers really opened up during the Great Depression and New Deal era. In the urban-industrial core of the nation, a powerful union movement successfully leveraged its political power to win real gains, including the right to bargain collectively through representatives of labor’s own choosing. The Social Security Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act also bestowed significant benefits upon American workers during the 1930s.  

Farmworkers were excluded from most of these landmark laws. Because of their seniority, Southern Democrats controlled key aspects of the legislative process during the New Deal. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt needed these Southerners’ support on Capitol Hill in order to pass legislation, and they carved out exemptions for farm labor both to preserve traditional power structures in agriculture and to prevent black and ethnic Mexican workers from improving their bargaining position. This also preserved the racial apartheid systems of the Deep South and the Southwest.

Although the legal standing of farmworkers has improved since the New Deal, farmworkers remain among the most exploited and vulnerable workers in the United States. The roots of that historic inequity reach back to the New Deal from the standpoint of the law."

~ Andrew Hazleton

Birth an over six foot tall blue-eyed man in finance next time, mother! Just kidding...

"Mom who co-signed student loan for daughter fears losing her home"

Girl On Couch - "I'm looking for a man in finance..."


Those ancestors just acted that way because they wanted to accumulate enough extra advantages to lavish them on all their most disadvantaged offsprings! Who deserves a hand up?

Yes! It Absolutely Will! Do It!

Will posting more things about childless cat ladies on LinkedIn help my children get into a more advantaged position to buy something nice for me as soon as they reach legitimate wage-earning age?

Of course, being vulnerable is a big part of the human condition.

"Enjoy our conversation about the origins of American guestworker programs, the interconnectedness of rural population crises in the U.S. and Mexico, and the idea that immigrants simply fill the jobs Americans 'won’t do,' below."

"Q&A: Why Are Farmworkers so Vulnerable?"

"Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)"

In terms of abundance...

This may be the exact right time for the great "men with money expansion" to take place. Do they think they get to skip over the parts about why "certain kinds of women" have had a much easier time being favored by men with money compared to others? But what if that's not so abundant...


"Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)"

I suppose the obviously extremely insensitive guy either has more or less stock than whatever J.D. Vance owns at the moment...

"J.D. Vance once compared Trump to Hitler. Now they are running mates"

Downfall  - J.D. Vance Parody

Great reminder to practice those grammar drills

"Most homeschoolers don’t know this…"


Tim Walz just seems so much nicer than the other guys.

"Tim Walz discusses infertility, tells his family he loves them"

Cat angels are taking the wheel.

"If heaven has a smell, it must be this🐱🐾♥  #shorts"


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

And loves it when she sings the right one?

"Cat HATES It When Mom Sings The Wrong Song 🤣"

~ The Cat Chronicles

This is because, inland dweller will get to see the ocean again soon...

Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean Ocean

And I took a picture of a paper that came from the inside of a fortune cookie, since it reminded me about going to see the ocean, but it didn't show up on the phone, but these ones did, and they reminded me of...


I am going to learn many more things in this life. I have been learning many things.

When my nervous system was too fried and I couldn't work for over a year, I was learning a lot. When things changed to the point where I could work for money again, I learned different kinds of things.

I know someone who wanted to go visit his parent on Father's Day, but the dad didn't feel well and told the children not to come visit, and actually, the children were not welcome to visit any time, because somebody in that house did not want those children visiting. And it was like that for years and years and years, and it was always someday in the future that it was going to change and get better.

So a lot was missed out on. 

The day after the Father's Day the children could not visit, again, the father died. 

I live with someone who has that kind of learning to contend with.


It could be interesting to try...

This had a very interesting comment.

Or many...

"15 Minute Nervous System Reset | 75 HZ Low Frequency Sound Healing"

~ The Path to Moksha


 "Reposting in honor of mothers day"

~ howies_everythingclub

I did notice some other music lately.

Of course, you know many humans enjoy various songs by The Beatles, and I was noticing those types of songs all the time recently, but two interesting circumstances to mention are, there is an instrumental version of "Julia" which is very nice (it was not on the Beatles channel, so it was kind of fun to recognize the tune and not know exactly what it was but then figure it out eventually), and also someone else was listening to something and I did not go looking for this but it came into my ear and it was a documentary about when John Lennon died and there was someone who thought it was a good time to make money off of his death and for some reason that came in to my attention and I was like ew, I don't want to be, like, approving that sort of thing. So, I do feel that if I were gone from the earth, which is clearly not the case, I would hope that no one would give money to charlatans but would only find people who wanted to help them.

This is also pretty interesting.

"'Little House on the Prairie' star Melissa Gilbert's neurological disorder caused ‘difficult’ childhood: Gilbert 'sobbed' when she received her misophonia diagnosis"

This sounds like a good nature program. 👍🏽

"In Florida, a Program Helps Children of Migrant Farmworkers Connect to the Outdoors

Research shows that time in nature can help all children thrive"

I think the castle looks cheesy.

"Temecula. Home Of The Sinister Yellow Deli Sandwich Cult..."

~ Elle McLemore

Not everyone is good at joining cults. Hmmm. Fallbrook is nice tho.

The nun lifestyle is not for everyone, but it certainly sounds like it could be very interesting.

"How a small group of nuns in rural Kansas vex big big companies with their investment activism"

Maybe? It could be so.

"Cat Sharing Her 'Emotional Support String' ❤️"

There were some times recently when I felt very strange as if I had some kind of strange animal energy on me. It felt like furriness and awkwardness. Well, it seemed like the energy didn't quite want to be left behind. So what I had to do was try to integrate it with another kind of energy that maybe will be more of what is going to be expressed in the future, like a more refined, gentle energy. 

A little very long-haired unkempt bunny showed up near the front door this week. It reminded me of that feeling again.I asked a neighbor if she knew anyone who lost a pet bunny, but she didn't know. It went into a different yard with better grass. 

Another person came to my door and asked me if the bunny was my pet, and I said no, but I had taken pictures and put up a sign in the laundry room. I had to leave, but when I came back she was walking around with a kid and showing pictures of the bunny to others. As of yesterday it was also seen behind a fence in another backyard so maybe that's it's home.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Health is very important.

This is a challenging time, and I hope lots of humans can find what they need to get better at taking care of their lives. Maybe when things go past a certain point, the new growth or new selves that are getting born will really help us make things better. 

I wonder how much of Hawaii's food comes from California...

"Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)"

"Conan Pitched Himself For 'The White Lotus'"

"Der Himmel ist mein Zimmer"

 "Burn Your Village (Same Old Energy pt.II)"

~ Kiki Rockwell

"Burn Your Village - Behind The Scenes with Kiki Rockwell"

~Kiki Rockwell

Waking up to turn off the light

...And that's how the ppl of that society got colonized to live like they're not a part of nature anymore...

Turn on the air filter to try to drown out the freeway noise and go back to sleep.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Social distracting.

"Anti Social - A Modern Dating Horror Story" | Comic Relief: Red Nose Day

What a life.

"Humanity really needs to get more in touch with nature," it often seems to say.

I thought this was good, by the way.

"Please Don’t Idolize Me (or Anyone, Really)"

People do such strange things just to get by.

If a dude follows you around to write a book for himself (and others) and says, oh, by the way, if you think I'm the last you're you're going to see of this kind of phenomenon, you're very much mistaken, you can believe that.


"A tale of two workers: Heat deaths on the job provoke differing responses in Oregon and Idaho"

People and places...

"Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)"

Does he never tire of being switched on entertainment mode? No? Odd. Also, untrue. He got tired of it in the past...

"Conan Pitched Himself For 'The White Lotus'”


"Nadia Comăneci 🤸🏼‍♀️ - All seven perfect 🔟's at Montreal 1976"

I might listen to this again very soon.

"Hitler’s Olympics, Part 7: Long Jump, Tall Tale"

Saturday, August 17, 2024

A little torn piece of fabric.

Today when I was at the grocery store, my fingers brushed against a worn area that's becoming a hole in my loose black pants, and in a short amount of time I realized that that the tear must have happened a week ago when I went into the mountains and stopped at a vista point and went off the path for a little bit and stumbled and fell and got scared for a moment but then got back up again. I looked at pictures to see the time of when I was there, and therefore when that little fall happened, and it was probably around 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Why is there tragedy sometimes when there were whole afternoons when life was so idyllic.

Alex de Grassi - "Western"

This was a nice one.

"Blue Night" - William Orbit (Torch Song)

It came on as I was driving in a rural-ish area and talking to myself about various things...

Wet floor covered with towels morning.

Most recent dream was probably mostly about processing certain sad emotions, did not include any significant psychic revelations about finding anybody, and it strangely ended with a couple cats getting friendlier and napping on a bed under some covers, but also with a solo cat knocking over an actual mason jar of water IRL.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Time to go recharge this wondrous little machine.



The obstructions will also be the art.


A newer song made me go. Look for another song again.

"You'll Be Taken Care Of (feat. Tori Amos) (2023 Remaster)"

"White Telephone To God"

~ Tori Amos

I had a 1980s or 90s kind of grown-up dinner tonight.

I felt really sad and disturbed this evening by some sad news, and also hungry, so I ate a lot for dinner. It was wine and french, just the wine and french bread with nothing on it let me know how much of a simple soul I am...I used to live in one kind of little town, and now I live in another...the wine was cheap but it got a 90 rating and had a pretty label and still tasted good after being opened and put in the fridge for a few days, and that's all I need...I ate a tuna sandwich on ciabatta with lots of toppings and a pickle and some chips and I fixed up my actual  salad so that it was different from a regular Greek salad because it had apple white wine dressing, or something like that on it.

Maybe some can come to visit this little town too, sometime...someday.


"Conifer ID 101!"

~ Matt Howard

But seriously...🤣

"15 Things That Shocked My German Fiancé About The USA"



Sportsmanship. Books.

Not to forget this...

"It was a special day at the Los Angeles Zoo Wednesday as dozens of LAUSD students - all children of migrant farm workers - celebrated the conclusion of a program that taught them about the zoo's conservation work.

Because of the parents' work, the families move across California and face interruptions during the school year.

Through the Migrant Education Program, the students visit the zoo seven times in the summer to meet with animal care experts and learn how animals are taken care of. They also learn about the zoo's work to protect certain species from extinction in the wild.

'By the seventh visit they've become experts on their focus animals and on the last day - the eighth day - we do a gallery of what inspired them during their visits,' L.A. Zoo community program manager Coral Barreiro said.

On Wednesday, the student's very own exhibit designs and art pieces were on display so they could share what they learned with their families.

'Not only are they creating, they're speaking, they're learning public speaking skills at 6 years old,' Barreiro said."

~ Tony Cabrera

"LAUSD students - children of migrant workers - get hands-on learning experience at LA Zoo"

Those values needed some updating, man...

It was crazy to find out that so many in the $ entertainment industry $ had more in common with a narcissistic misogynist like Donald Trump than lots of actual Trump voters had in common with him. Well, I suppose he's the way that he is for various reasons, and so are they.

There's a lot of people who know things can get better.

I guess up next is healing a lot. Sorrow has brought up so many feelings of loss, grief, anger, and betrayal. Some people pretend they know nothing about such things, but they know. That's how it seems, at the moment, anyway. 

Monday, August 12, 2024


"If you lead your country, what would YOU DO? #shorts"

~ Blume

That's something I didn't know before.

"Tying myself with rope and telling u about my bully who's now famous"

~ Blume

Things could improve!

"I know what to expect now 😂🩷 #shorts"

~ Blume


 "So that happened 🤷🏻‍♀️…. #shorts"

~ Blume


"Huge Tracts of Land"

~ Monty Python

I still remember that tutoring job interview where all the smart older people got cut and people in their 20s magically made it to the second and third rounds.

There's people who are where they are in life, not just due to all their hard work and talent, but because others looked at them, and their outer packaging and said "Yeah, that kind of a person seems like a good fit for that kind of a position."

Mmmm. Values.

"One of his rightwing friends is really wealthy. It’s nice to have a friend who takes you out to dinner, but it also means Nick hears all this stuff about how people who aren’t rich are basically parasites. And he doesn’t want to listen to his mom or me, because I’ve been a teacher my whole life and we always scrimped by, so he thinks we’re lazy, stupid hippies. Why would he listen to anything we say, when his friend’s parents have a Mercedes in the driveway and live in a million-dollar house?

Nick has a girlfriend now, who he met online in one of his rightwing forums. My ex says that she’s a perfectly lovely girl and isn’t some sort of Marjorie Taylor Greene type, just a country Catholic kid. She’s also Latina, so his feelings on immigration have softened after he spent time with her family. He’s got something at stake now."

~ Sam Delaune, as told to Alaina Demopoulos