Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I did notice some other music lately.

Of course, you know many humans enjoy various songs by The Beatles, and I was noticing those types of songs all the time recently, but two interesting circumstances to mention are, there is an instrumental version of "Julia" which is very nice (it was not on the Beatles channel, so it was kind of fun to recognize the tune and not know exactly what it was but then figure it out eventually), and also someone else was listening to something and I did not go looking for this but it came into my ear and it was a documentary about when John Lennon died and there was someone who thought it was a good time to make money off of his death and for some reason that came in to my attention and I was like ew, I don't want to be, like, approving that sort of thing. So, I do feel that if I were gone from the earth, which is clearly not the case, I would hope that no one would give money to charlatans but would only find people who wanted to help them.

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