Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Really weird...

I wonder if I am going to become a more "live in the moment" kind of person. I used to feel very buffeted around by getting information from what felt like multiple lives or realities (or 'ghosts' possibly, whatever seems to make the most sense, or is a more comfortable explanation) and now it's almost like that particular way of getting information or processing reality has been exerting less influence on me, lately? Hmmm.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


"Class Consciousness for Billionaires" | The New Yorker

"Of the eighteen marriages entered into by the grandchildren of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, sixteen were between an uncle and a niece or between first cousins."

~ Benjamin Wallace Wells

More to watch after the cat wakes you up...

"Why Japan's Homeless are Nothing Like Your Country"

~ Oriental Pearl

Maybe the universe just wanted to give me too much information to go along with certain patterns for good reasons?

I'm not saying they're not amusing.

"Paul Scheer & Conan Are Baffled By 'Look Who’s Talking'"

But I suppose I think it's interesting that the universe won't allow me to just joke around with the "sociopath" personality as easily as others...

Monday, May 13, 2024

Maybe you don't need to watch "The Zone of Interest."

Maybe you should watch "Maid," "A Small Light," and then "Resident Alien," for some comic relief.

Who sabotaged that?

One time I felt so clear, and I was like, okay, I just have to let them know! I have to let the mother and kids know that the sociopathic Patriarchal guy is not so good for them, either!

I thought the strawberry cake recipe looked interesting, too.

"Let them eat..."

"Social media users are collectively blocking celebrities and influencers who have been silent on Gaza"

"Bernie Sanders says Americans don't 'want to be complicit in starvation'"

"My Mom’s 60-Year-Old Strawberry Cake Recipe"

It is younger than...

"Notes on July/August 1944 from The Diary of Anne Frank'

Is that why he acts like that?

It's so sad that so-and-so seems to think that his circle of family, friends, and acquaintances would only like you if you acted like shallow rich guys who don't care about anyone but people like them are the only people on this planet who matter at all!


Someone is feeding these narcissistic people.


Who supplies them with food and water and shelter? 

And good books, so they can have some literature at their disposal, so they can amuse themselves?

What if I don't need to.

I can't believe I haven't watched "Zone of Interest," yet.


"They'll definitely be supportive of me being an asshole just to please Daddy Patriarchy if I buy them houses and pretty clothes and etcetra."

Do you see stars?

It's weird and kind of pathetic that certain "fortunate" wives and daughters would s*** on girls and women rights MUCH less just based on whoever their Patriarchal breadwinner is choosing to be nice to or not so nice that day, and just based on the breadwinner baby (so-called 'man of the house') being less of an a****** to certain people, just  to please the f****** patriarchy!

Stars Stars Stars..I see I a monk drinking champagne in Another Century? No, I am not. Sadly or actually, that's fortunately, I guess.

You're not the Lords of the Feudal Manors

"But I am SO very high on a special drug called 'If it's inconvenient for me, I just really don't care about you or your experiences.' And all my drug buddies absolutely love it when I act this way, too. Because it makes US feel like this what it's really all about, in this lifetime! Us, Being the Most Self-Indulgent Patriarchal Ones That Society Can Support!" In the 2020s.

Who knows if they'll be able to get help before the next lifetime?

I feel like people who are bad to others for no good reason are also being bad to themselves, but they're in denial about it because they get rewarded, kind of like in the way drug addicts and alcoholics get rewarded for indulging in stuff that's bad for them.

Apparently, the orphans of genocide did not haunt the insensitive.

"Jerry Seinfeld's wife applauds Duke crowd who drowned out anti-Israel protesters during commencement speech"

He'd be SO much nicer to you if he had different kinds of people around him.

Brother Conan performatively communicates why a lot of rich Hollywood people who got trained to act like they simply do not care about human rights also have to act like they love it whenever someone like him treats disenfranchised people worse, because that's how they all feel SO very important to the Patriarchal People.

Money is privilege, and it's an interesting interview....

"Q. What was your family like?

A. My parents and grandparents — especially my grandparents — struggled to assimilate into American cultural norms. They came from Eastern Europe and — at least on my mother’s side — many people in her family were Jews who were murdered by the Nazis. So, my family was worried about appearances. They copied Hollywood figures and wanted to have a very American look, very chic and elegant. Gender was very important: you had to 'do' your gender right. You had to be a handsome man and a beautiful woman.

I grew up in this world of gender secrets and ideals. And I guess that’s how I started thinking about the cruelty of gender norms and how important gender freedom is — the freedom to produce a world in which people who don’t always fit the norm are free to live and breathe and be accepted and loved and recognized for being who they are, without discrimination or being pathologized.

Q. The idea behind the book Who’s Afraid of Gender? partly came out of an incident involving harassment and violence in Brazil. What happened? And what did you learn from that experience?

A. They burned an effigy of me outside the Sesc Pompeia Cultural Center in São Paulo. I saw it online — I was hidden inside. It was 2017. Then, the mob (made up of Bolsonaro supporters) harassed me at the airport when I was leaving with my girlfriend, my partner (the political scientist Wendy Brown). She’s not my wife, because she doesn’t want to marry me. We’ve been a couple for 33 years and she doesn’t want to marry me. She’s a Marxist, she doesn’t believe in that!

Q. Would you like to get married?

A. No, but I like to ask her about it. I always ask her — it’s like a joke. She says she would have to divorce me if I tried to marry her. You can put that in the interview."

~ Marc Bassets, Judith Butler

"Judith Butler, philosopher: ‘Feminists who don’t repudiate the right-wing, anti-gender movement are complicit’"

I think "Big Dick Energy" disappoints.

Big "Let's be just as self-absorbed as the Trump voters except we're gonna vote for Biden instead" Energy disappoints, too.

Some people still care more about their egos than about your human rights, huh?

"Texas’s Handmaid’s Tale gives everyone but women reproductive control"

Sunday, May 12, 2024

They seem not so bad!

"Always wanted to give a blessing, so grateful to to the big guy upstairs for giving me permishhhh..."

~ Alyssa Grenfell

Can I just work on another side project for a sec.

Let's call it, feminist things that sometimes the Patriarchal people don't like you saying, part 900,006. 

When "why would you be better at being friends with me if I were a guy, and especially an immature guy, including a guy who never fully accepted responsibility for some of the stupid dehumanizing Patriarchal crap the unwell larger society taught him to do"...met..."Do you ever wonder what kind of girl you might be in the next lifetime??? ☺️"

I saw a kitten!

Happy mother of kittens day to kitty cats.

Why would everyone be the same?

People are supposed to be different.

This sort of thing can really upset some people...

“'Students see what’s happening in Gaza and they’re saying we don’t want to normalize this. That informs us,' Gill told CNN. 'If the price of tenure is to stay silent on Gaza, it’s not worth it.'”

~ Scott Glover, Audrey Ash and Bob Ortega

I had a quiet day.

Are all these humans still alive? 

‘"Where will I leave these children, on the street? The struggle for survival faced by disabled Palestinians in Gaza"

~ Rosa Rahimi and Sana Noor Haq

The first time I have seen this flag...

"UN rights body adopts first resolution to protect rights of intersex people"

"Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride Flag at the Smithsonian"

"Are you also demoting obese male coworker?" No. "Can this really be legal?"


Maybe she deserves better.

Only scratching the surface.

Sufjan Stevens - "Wallowa Lake Monster (Official Audio)"


"Wallowa lake monster meaning : r/Sufjan"


"With thoughts of that 'beautiful moron' E.T. swirling in his head, Harry gets to work on the radio, but has to stop when Kate shows up with her cousin Carlyn (guest star Alex Borstein) in tow. Carlyn hurt herself while hiking and needs medical attention (she's not dying, much to Harry's disappointment). We soon learn, though, that Carlyn is something of a science genius herself: She works in a lab at New Mexico Tech and is impressed with Harry's skills. And his looks. And his personality... which seems sus but who are we to judge?

Asta, Liv, D'Arcy (Alice Wetterlund), and Kayla (Sarah Podemski) plan a girls' night (what they call a 'GN 59') to blow off some steam, and D'Arcy invites Kate and Carlyn, leaving Ben alone for the evening.

Meanwhile, Max (Judah Prehn) finds Sahar (Gracelyn Awad Rinke) in the park and asks for her help with his latest problem: shaving the hair on his back. For some privacy, Sahar leads Max to the government agents' RV, which is parked in the woods and seemingly abandoned. You'll recall from last season that Sahar cooked up a genius idea to track the agents using Kate's phone, and it's held onto its battery life long enough for Sahar to find it. Not too far away, Agent David Logan (Alex Barima) is working on tracking General Wright's (Linda Hamilton) movements, but his tech blows out. Luckily for him, he knows where he can find another one.

Max and Sahar aren't so lucky, since that tech is in the RV where Sahar is about to wax Max's back. Sahar, the genius feminist that she is, explains inequitable female Western beauty standards to her friend — right before ripping the hair off his back with zero remorse after Max tries to tell her how hard it is to be a guy.

Realizing Kate's plans leave him alone for the evening, Mayor Ben awkwardly approaches Sheriff Mike as a hangout buddy. Mike turns him down because he says he has to take care of his father, but Liv steps in to point out how much Mike's dad Lewis (Alvin Sanders) would like to get out of the house for a beer and tells Ben he'll be there.

That night at The 59, the ladies prep for their crazy night. Carlyn regales them with stories about how her lab supervisor sexually harasses her and how she's been afraid she'll never find a nice guy. Now, she has. That guy?

One Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle, who's shown up in his fancy clothes to woo Carlyn and get access to her lab for a portable defuser. He knows he's no E.T. He doesn't have "his bulbous football head or his squat corgi legs or his platypus feet" — Harry's just REALLY into E.T., okay? — but he's confident in his ability 'to be a charming alien' when he needs to be. Lucky for him, Carlyn's already digging on his vibe.

An impromptu date commences, and it turns out Carlyn and Harry are... kind of perfect together? We've no idea how to describe what ensues on this date, so, honestly, just watch the below clip and be entertained"

~ Caitlin Busch

As if you care. As much as you care. About what you care. About!

"Resident Alien: Other aliens Harry finds sexy"

I don't see what I don't see; are you not seeing what you're not seeing?

"Some have been quick to criticize other women for striving to uphold these beauty standards in the first place, saying that they should simply reject them altogether. On an episode of the NPR podcast Code Switch, Noliwe Rooks, an associate professor at Cornell University, argued that people should instead attempt to decolonize Western beauty standards. However, it’s often much more complicated. Pushing back against employment standards is a privilege, since not everyone can afford to jeopardize their employment—especially at a time when, according to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, over '28 percent of Indigenous Peoples and 31 percent of racialized individuals live with economic insecurity, compared to 16 percent of white individuals.' Coupled with unfair wages, these factors force racialized folks—who make up about 21 percent of the general workforce but account for 22 percent of retail and 30 percent of hospitality work, according to 2016 census data used in a Future Skills Centre report—to take on the additional burden of having to advocate for themselves when it comes to beauty standards."

~ Ashlynn Chand

Why don't some Americans already get better paycheques.

"I myself have working-class, racialized friends who have spent hundreds of dollars on beauty procedures while living paycheque to paycheque. One of my cousins even used her hard-earned money to buy a new purse instead of a textbook for a university class she needed to graduate. I remember her squealing about the bag, telling me she looked like the 'ladies who work in offices.' I’m not shaming them, because I’ve been there too. When I was younger, I wanted to be a chemist and create a makeup brand for darker skin tones. In my mind, I took the saying 'Dress for the job you want, not the job you have' literally. I gleaned what a scientist should look like from television—think Gwen Stacy from Spider-Man—and wanted to look like that too. In my third year of university, I tried to pay—with my student loans—for a nose job and a laser skin resurfacing procedure, which the doctor refused to do. A good five years of my youth were spent starving myself, micromanaging my facial expressions, and monitoring my high-pitched voice to fit my idea of a scientist and, later, a journalist."

~ Ashlynn Chand

A day to imagine being far less shallow for all your descendants with the different genetics

"The entertainment industry has perfected the concept of objectifying women for financial gain. But other industries, especially restaurant and retail, are equally guilty of the same exploitation. And in a world where the pressure of presentation feels unavoidable, many workers feel the need to take on the additional burden of aesthetic labour—that is, the time and cost put into looking, sounding, and even acting the part—in order to succeed."

~ Ashlynn Chand

Dear teenagers, I am sure your parents will grow up sometime within the next century.

"One afternoon, after a visit to the mall with my parents when I was sixteen, the three of us sat down at a nearby Moxies- or Earls-type restaurant. The teenage waitress was dressed in a typical uniform: a tight black skirt and fitted long-sleeve shirt. After she took my family’s order, my dad quipped to my mom, 'Look at the way that waitress looks.' My mom agreed. 'That’s what men like, right, Ashley?' Brimming with anxiety, I looked up at my dad, my face contorted. 'That’s what you should look like so you could work here,' he said matter-of-factly."

~ Ashlynn Chand

This is a joke! Remember Ballerina Farm.

What about all the not so blond, not so thin ones? Do you really expect all of them to find well-off men of means to marry?

"Mothers Need Good Marriages, Not Abortions"| Nation

Yay, equal pay! 🤑

"Recap: 'Resident Alien' Season 2, Ep. 3: 'Girls' Night'"

This one's mom needed to make a better brother, that's for sure.

"Caught not Fasting #reels"

"Having a Brother be like 😂"

Are you feeling valuable today?

"When I was eighteen, I spent several months working as a bus girl at a diner. It was a cheerful-looking place, facing San Francisco Bay. The kitchen was L-shaped: the owner stood in the short end of the L with the coffee makers and the cash register, and I was often at the other end, by the dishwashing machine, out of sight. In between were the prep counters and an eight-burner stove, where the cook was stationed. He was a middle-aged drinker with bloodshot eyes who would unexpectedly grab me from behind. No one seemed to notice, and in that decade before Anita Hill brought 'sexual harassment' into the popular lexicon, I couldn’t articulate that this was something that violated my rights instead of just something that repulsed and rattled me.

After a few weeks of these unwelcome surprises, I made sure that the next time the cook came for me, I was holding a tray of clean glasses. He grabbed me; I yelped and let go of the tray. The shattering glass made a cacophony. The owner, another middle-aged man, rushed over and chewed out the cook — the glasses were audible and valuable in a way I was not.

Underlings get a reputation for being duplicitous because they sometimes fall back on indirect means when straightforward ones are not available. When I was an underling, the only way I knew to make a man stop grabbing me was to trick a more powerful man into laying down the law. I had no authority, or had reason to believe I had none. 'When you’re a star, they let you do it' has its corollary in 'When you’re nobody, it’s hard to stop them from doing it.'”

"Nobody Knows," by Rebecca Solnit

"The Mother of All Questions," by Rebecca Solnit

"I was born into a time of endings" - by Jody Day

White kitty, black kitty.

For Cat Mom Day, they'll be acting like the average American pale-skinned guys are just as violent and messed up as anyone else.

"You’re Arab" PT.4 #arab #funny #shorts #christian"

White cat!

"Arab mom be like #arab #comedy #funny #muslim"

Black cat!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Huh, looks really interesting.

"I Learned I Was Intersex At 21” | Listen Up | ABC

Very "Journey of Souls..."

I like how the mother in wave (the author) remembered that her child told her about having another life. 

"Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala – review" | Autobiography

"Journey of Souls"


"Search for missing children swept away in Pennsylvania floods"

"Siblings, 2 and 4, swept away in Southern California Creek identified"

"Gaza's children thank students worldwide for standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people.✌🏻🇵🇸


"Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala" | Goodreads

Yup, hopefully learning is beneficial

"Conan’s Personal Soundtrack | Conan O'Brien Needs A Therapist"

Such silly people...upstate, by the lakes...

"Biden Halts Weapons to Israel & Trump Trial Coverage"

~ The Daily Show

People disagree...c'est la vie...

"Israel Is The Megachurch Of Judaism" - Daniel Mate

I think this seems reasonable.

And I had my oil changed in Dearborn, Michigan.

"Gaza's children thank students worldwide for standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people.✌🏻🇵🇸


Just randomly sayin'...

So what's it like living in the same place your whole life? I have no idea.

Did see & hear

"Two hospitals are evacuating... the situation is chaos, all the streets are filled... Palestinians do not know what to do, where to settle... people are trying to secure food.. they're so scared."

Hind Khoudary reporting from Deir Al Balah

Quds News Network on X: ""Two hospitals are evacuatung"

Faizan Bakhshi on X: "An Israeli female soldier,
through her provocative comments, deliberately denies the very existence of Palestine."

"Dear so called cultured, civilised and educated people of West, what is her crime?

Gaza today 🇵🇸💔
A 3-month-old Palestinian baby girl was brought to the hospital in shock after her entire family was massacred by Israel and buried alive under rubble in Rafah."

"Chant of 'Boycott Israel!' resonated throughout the street of Shibuya in Tokyo. Credit:

Berry candles

"Made a CANDLE out of BERRIES - The Incredible North American Bayberry"

~ Weird Explorer

Took a nap.

I am processing grief. I have nice things about my life, and yet there's still grief being processed anyway.

Develop complexity.

There really are people on "both sides" (sheesh, so binary) who act like no one matters except them.

How wasteful, and how destructive.

"The bombardments shake the ground and wake you up - but the children’s cries are what keep you awake."

@UNWateridge tells the @Independent "people feel very trapped, and fear is gripping in here - because it feels like there is danger from all sides.”

War is sad, but so are people who choose to be smaller and selfish than they could have been.

You should have much higher standards for how humans treat other people.

Why do humans decide to suffer for a living?

I don't need to be around people who act like it's in their best interests to pamper an immature, untrustworthy, controlling guy who is so desperate for attention that he'll be a bully to whoever doesn't indulge him. Those aren't people you can trust, at all. They're so self-absorbed, and so needy about wanting to fit in amongst some very bullying, controlling, inconsiderate, abusive, prejudiced people, that they treat humans worse based on some very superficial standards. But I suppose they are also suffering.

What are we gonna do with all of our luxury?

Omg, watch "The Zone of Interest," but then try to feel like the world's a better place by watching "Resident Alien?"

The front door blew open. The back door was open. A cleansing crosswind!

"WOOD APPLE - I finally found a good one..."

~ Weird Explorer

What about every journalist had a mother and so did everyone drafted into the IDF day BOGO special.

"Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war"

"Four Israeli Soldiers Killed by Explosive Device in Northern Gaza"

The Cat Who Lived In The Moment Relentlessly

"I care about what I care about."

Should I visit someday?

I remember when I was in the Memphis airport and it seemed like the people working there wanted to kick me out like kick me out on the street. It was dark. I had always assumed you could sleep in an airport but literally people were coming up to me and saying I needed to leave the airport so I had to get in a taxi and I had no money and I had to rely on other people to pay my fare and I'd left my phone charger in Atlanta and my cell phone was dying and I had to rely on strangers and I had to borrow someone else's cell phone charger And I only got about 2 hours of sleep in the hotel...

And in the morning I saw the same guy I had been sitting next to, the car salesman, and I was like, oh it's you again.

Before MLK went to Memphis...his plans were...

"In the five days of my university’s camp, I met more students and faculty (especially people of color) than I had in the previous five years. Outside of my classroom, the Liberation Zone marked the only five days I have felt welcomed or connected to people anywhere on my campus.

I’ve also met more caring, compassionate colleagues at their camps than in any other venue over my years in Chicago. The shared goals of these encampments—to divest from an apartheid state and end the genocide in Gaza—are not anything to be ashamed about. They are moral and righteous desires. Nor are these fringe positions; they are desired by the majority of the people on this planet.

In the four encampments I have visited, it has felt so good to not have to pretend—as so many universities, publications and politicians seem to want us to—that everything is fine and we must just get back to normal by pretending what is happening isn’t happening. Everyone knows police could come in at any second and beat the shit out of them; but they know what’s happening in Gaza is far worse, and so they’re willing to take the risk.

As a professor, it has felt good to pick up trash with my students, and to learn about how to roll a keffiyeh or sing Pesach songs with them. For all four encampments I visited erased a lot of divisions: between young students and old teachers; between faculty and staff; between Jews, Muslims and Christians; between formal members of a university community and our neighbors; between students of different universities (and their peers who don’t go to college).

Like the the Poor People’s Campaign Martin Luther King was planning when he was killed in 1968 (which was supposed to be a shanty town encampment of white, Black and Chicano poor people on the National Mall) the Gaza solidarity encampments have been a taste of what might be possible when everyone freely gets what they need—and when people unite across divisions to share shabbat, salah, and a demand to end war."

~ Steven W. Thrasher

Maybe art is another topic to think about.

"The Zone of Interest - Featurette - Uncomfortable Reflections"

When masses of people die, do they get reincarnated right away?

"Israel-Gaza latest: UN warns food supplies will run out tomorrow"

Soooo...what's Ballerina Farm?

"Mormon funerals be like 😁😀😆#mormon #lds #utah"

~ Alyssa Grenfell

"The Story of Ballerina Farm, Pageants, and Purpose"

Life is a journey. A plane ride. An interesting lesson.

"A 'Tradwife' Discovers the Anti-Feminist Lifestyle is Miserable and Oppressive"

Kindly, or trying to be, I say...

I think this is kind of how Patriarchal White Supremacy Lite operates. As if certain people's challenges are more important than everyone else's. It is not so.

"Elon Musk's first wife describes their relationship"

Let's post that one.

"19 out of 19 do not get Barbie's Dream House, but one out of one does!"

Hey, you.

Want to want to walk around Target? Want to walk around Target and think about clothes that you could donate to orphans?

That's what pictures say.

EARLY June 2017 was cupcakes, getting educated about library technology, learning about "fertility massage," hiking without tendonitis, occasionally looking at clothes for little kids in Target, and thinking I  would still perhaps have a "normal life." 

Late in 2017, I found out Margaux died. Early 2018 I was crying on a plane next to the rich "car salesman." 

(But the plane landed in Memphis! And the woman who thought I was with so-so and kept making weird comments to me got surprised that I was not traveling with him! Because we were seated next to each other on two planes. Because he remembered me, but I didn't remember him. And then, at the end, a little girl was sick and everyone had to wait while her mom helped her in the bathroom. And I said no thank you to the business card because I had to. And then, supposedly, that was the end of that!)

Early 2018 was still a little bit innocent though.

Freeing up storage!

I really need to be as sweet and innocent as I was back in 2017.

They are not being well-provided for.

"Abortion ban exceptions for child rape, incest fail in Louisiana House Committee"

Are they being well provided for?

Moms and Grandmas who were trained to be absolutely terrible to the people with "interesting" circumstances and "special" genetics have their reasons for what they're choosing to repeat and inflict on others.

Actions speak loudly.

Men who were trained by the Patriarchal Culture to care way more about rich white guys than they care about others, and certainly more than they are willing to admit, still aren't changing their behaviors fast enough. Dads, do you agree?

Yes, why is that?

“'I am 23 — why do I have less rights than my abuelita in Mexico?' Melissa Herrera, a Democratic campaign staffer, asked the cluster of women at the restaurant, referring to her grandmother."

~ Jazmine Ulloa

Who CLEARLY does not seem to care about your special genetics and health situation?

Greedy man money does not care. Thank the toxic Patriarchal Ones for that situation.

Nope, not so inspired.

Sexist, shallow, selfish, narcissistic bigotry issues.

$0 $orry for $uch $ad Circumstance$ & Breadie$

"Met Gala sparks outrage on social media about celebrities silence..."

Go take your herbal supplements and go back to sleep.

"You know what's more important than your human rights? My ability to own a home."

Fawning over rich white men so that I may take out a mortgage. It can happen...

"Stormy Daniels Mocks Trump Sex in First Stand-Up Comedy Appearance"

Poor, pitiful, pathetic, brainwashed Patriarchal people...

"Evangelicals Hate Stormy Daniels But Love Trump. Here's Why "

"What are some ways you see these gendered dynamics playing out in evangelical spaces?

The classic example — and this is such a cliche that we in evangelical spaces often joke about it — but you have the insecure youth pastor who’s getting up in front of the church or getting up in front of his students and says, 'Hey, at the back, check out my smokin’ hot wife, Tiffany,' or whatever. And it’s almost inviting you to imagine him having sex with this woman. And that is an example of what I’m talking about, that a Christian man, a leader, would be the one who gets to have sex with hot ladies. And that is a benefit of being the kind of man that God wants you to be.

One response that we’ve seen in evangelical spaces is the phenomenon of the 'tradwife.' So the tradwife movement, you see social-media influencers embracing this idea of Godly femininity. And they’re going whole hog into this — baking bread and sewing clothes and really leaning into this identity of, 'My man is the strong man, and he is the leader of our home. And even though I’m a social media influencer who is now making YouTube videos making money from that, let me just stress that I am a submissive wife and he is the strong, masculine husband who leads our home and our house spiritually.'”

~ Dylon Jones

Friday, May 10, 2024

My tears are not happening yet but shower was good

"Female Tears Have This Superpower #science"

Rain is interesting.

One time I felt a drop of water on my hand as I was driving and it started to rain, and I looked up to see if there was a hole in the roof, but no.

Or maybe I need my dose of black currant oil.

Female body chemistry. Auuuugh...let me cry in the shower, why not? Would it help. Why am I not already. Gaaaaah.

Enjoy anticipating your next incarnations!

Maybe a shower would help. Water! Heal me.

I am tired and not even pleased with myself. People with this condition need to read the experts or get somatic work done. Lots of empaths resent themselves, getting stressed out, sick...etcetra. But we need to believe we can become better and evolve for humanity.

Thank you for a quiet room and a nice bed, Graciousness.

Let me lie on the bed and ooze grief until I feel better again.

I am not a perfect practitioner of empathy. There are many flavors of empaths.

Auughh. Let me cry. Or something.

This is a difficult time. I am not feeling well. I felt too dizzy and nauseated to enjoy dinner. Even though I needed something to eat. I want to cry. I wonder if stress is affecting me. And grief. And sorrow. And being empathetic. I need to cry or release my sad feelings, or the fear, or the stress. I just have to acknowledge it. Not everyone can plow though life ignoring the war and acting like it doesn't matter in a way that looks like "toxic positivity" to others, and I know it. And yet, why add more suffering? Wouldn't it be better to feel better? I need to believe I can feel better in this body. Just learning, all the time. I want to cry, but not crying yet. What could help. What could help, if I am not crying in the the watery way. Auuuuuugh. Exhale. Drink peppermint tea. Believe in getting better again.


Its been in my head a lot and I don't even think it was on the radio or anything.

Lil Nas X - "Old Town Road (Official Video) ft. Billy Ray Cyrus"

& entertaining, as well.

 This song

"Drennon Davis & Karen Kilgariff Perform 'The High Song'” | CONAN on TBS

Anyways, how weird it is, knowing that certain privileged people might actually encounter extra roadblocks when it comes to gaining access to helpful psychological counseling, owing to their own unique set of life circumstances...

Sadly, Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, and South Dakota are also Very Mean

"Texas has most rape-related pregnancies "

Least to greatest:

South Dakota — 1,282

Kentucky — 2,965

Alabama — 4,130

Louisiana — 4,287

Oklahoma — 4,529

Arkansas — 4,655

Tennessee — 4,993

Missouri — 5,825

Texas — 26,313

Thinking of others - for some, that is a new way to approach life, for sure.

"Mother’s Day in Gaza Quilt Project advocates for ceasefire"

"Silenced voices: Amani’s death in Gaza"| UN Women

"Professional baby namer lists the top girl names..."

What if being insensitive about women's health and disenfranchised grief also does not "age well."

"Jody's lecture on disenfranchised grief"

"Medicine Has Failed Women #endometriosis"

"An Israeli bomb destroyed 4,000 embryos at a Gaza IVF centre. Where is the outrage?"

Controlling the narrative problems, again.

"University administrators want to control every single aspect of students’ social lives, such that they can only produce a limited, finite set of outcomes: one where students will not question the ruling class, but will only socialize in ways that reproduce the social order, and only socialize in ways which maximize profits for the ruling class and uphold the aims of American empire.

Stray from that and you will be destroyed.

And that’s why you are being lied to about these encampments."

~ Steven W. Thrasher

"In the four encampments I have visited, it has felt so good to not have to pretend—as so many universities, publications and politicians seem to want us to—that everything is fine and we must just get back to normal by pretending what is happening isn’t happening. Everyone knows police could come in at any second and beat the shit out of them; but they know what’s happening in Gaza is far worse, and so they’re willing to take the risk.

As a professor, it has felt good to pick up trash with my students, and to learn about how to roll a keffiyeh or sing Pesach songs with them. For all four encampments I visited erased a lot of divisions: between young students and old teachers; between faculty and staff; between Jews, Muslims and Christians; between formal members of a university community and our neighbors; between students of different universities (and their peers who don’t go to college).

Like the the Poor People’s Campaign Martin Luther King was planning when he was killed in 1968 (which was supposed to be a shanty town encampment of white, Black and Chicano poor people on the National Mall) the Gaza solidarity encampments have been a taste of what might be possible when everyone freely gets what they need—and when people unite across divisions to share shabbat, salah, and a demand to end war.

And that’s why, so often, you are being lied to about them."

~ Steven W. Thrasher

Professor POV of Protests

"You Are Being Lied to About Gaza Solidarity Camps"

"One of the lies you have been told the most is that these encampments are antisemitic. It’s scurrilously perpetuated by journalists like CNN’s Jake Tapper, who are “reporting” from WhatsApp group chats, as well as by politicians, from Republican Speaker Mike Johson to President Biden.

I visited Columbia’s Gaza Solidarity encampment on Friday April 19, a day after the first police raid arrested 113 people and a new set of tents took over the southwest corner of the quad. One of the first things I saw made it apparent to me that early reports of religious strife were just moral panic. A group of Muslim students were kneeling in prayer and, in a scene I have since seen recreated at different camps, a group of students—many Jewish— held a tarp up around them to give them privacy. (Later that evening, Jewish students hosted a seder on the lawn.)

I also observed a group of speakers address the camp, including a Palestinian American nurse who had recently returned from a shift in Gaza, a white woman who had been arrested in that same spot in 1968 and, most controversially, Norman Finkelstein. Finkelstein is an uncontested expert on Gaza, but he is on the wrong side of some social issues for many students and he does not like the phrase 'from the river to the sea.'

And yet, in a scene that should have made contrarian 'free speech' diehard contrarians happy, the students listened to all the speakers respectfully. Even when Finkelstein welcomed criticism, it was given, and received, respectfully. (And when he left the lawn and the students chanted 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,' he laughed with good nature.)"

~ Steven W. Thrasher

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Anticipation. (Mild version).

Can't wait to watch more "Resident Alien" this weekend. Not tonight.

Usually can't watch TV on nights when I have to recover the balance of my nervous system. 

Lessons continue...

I would recommend a different and nicer way of learning for humans then taking the path of resistance to the point of panic attacks, if at all possible. I've learned these things the hard way, sometimes. But I will get better at everything I am supposed to get better at, because...well, I have to, I guess. If you have a higher self that wants you to get better at healing, and you resist that, it's not gonna feel good. And so, must learn to tell the warrior side that it's better to be in balance with the healer. Relinquish control, to be able to grow, learn and accept the peace that is best for the body.

Off to do that again.

I will just be tending to nervous system related things forever. I will need to learn to laugh more. As in, kindly laugh. That's better for the poor frazzled system, I am sure.

Oh, the humility.

I need to accept that in this lifetime I am supposed to heal and pursue a more healing path, and even if I got a lot of messages from society that affected me and seemed to push me off course, I just need to stop and learn how to heal from that, too.

I will learn and I will get better.

 I am glad there are people and energies and angels who are better at healing and better at protecting themselves and I promise I will learn how to get better.

Oh, goodness. Here it is. I need the healing the most.

I'll just be here making apologies to body and working on any healing modalities that might help me to become so much better at being the one who can become a more healing person.

I want to get better at taking care of my health.

My nervous system thinks I better just listen to myself about focusing on my health instead. It's like, maybe the key to humanity getting better is for all the individuals to get better at healing themselves or reaching out to others for help and healing sooner. Why is it hard to choose that? Oh yeah, so much societal conditioning that said you're not supposed to listen to yourself. But maybe we can get better anyway...

I wonder if it's almost time to watch this one.

"It's about wanting the best..."

"The Zone of Interest" | Official Trailer HD | A24

Glad to be able read today!

"As someone who processes things tonally, through sound, and as someone whose primary element is Earth, release did not come naturally to me. Tonals have 'sticky brains.' We have trouble unhearing things and moving on."

And further down the page:

"I have found it is useful to look at what motivates you to let something go."

~ Ellen Meredith, page 161, Your Body Will Show You The Way


I'm a reader.

I'm trying to be less, like, "soldier" and more, like, "healer" in a feminine (and feminist) form in this life! I'm being me, asking for some support, making the effort! I read the good Shirley MacLaine books at a young, formative age on a pretty island in a rural community!


Sometimes you give me those vibes, man...🏔️🧚🏼‍♀️🌌🤣

"One of your lessons in this life has been that the liberal and the conservative people aren't actually all that different from each other as they seem to think they are."

What if?

If you're being a trauma trigger, due to some unquestioned stubborn patterns you picked up from society, you should want to know better? What if it's good for you to expand your knowledge? And not be in a bubble of ignorance that's gonna burst sooner or later in this life or in the next lifetime?

Some people don't need to control everything so much.

Have curiosity about others' life experiences!

Some people staying up late because of present day stuff, too.

"I'm Glad I Watched Jonathan Glazer's Zone Of Interest..."

This song is kinda relaxing. I might get something to drink. Like from a tea or coffee place.

Rodriguez - "Inner City Blues"

What's about two hours from Dearborn.

Midland, where the woman lived in a sign with a computer and a coffee maker. 


"Homeless woman was living inside Michigan rooftop store sign with computer and coffee maker"

Truth serum

I accidentally put S in front of Erum and thought about that.

You may be wrong / you may be right.

“'I’m seeing dead children on my screen every day. I’m seeing bodies pile up in the streets. I’m seeing mass starvation. So what are you seeing and how is that acceptable?' Sunil said."

~ Erum Salam

"New York sees first US faculty-led Gaza protest encampment at the New School"

"Israel war live updates: Thousands flee as Rafah assault as aid groups warn suffering will be 'unbearable': Live updates"

"Reports mount of mass graves at Gaza hospitals, some bodies found ‘without heads’"

Oops, they did it again.

They bombed our civilians.

It's really hard to stop when you're addicted to being violent and insensitive. 

Britney Spears - "Oops!...I Did It Again"

Maybe one day they'll get tired of doing it..."not that innocent."

And by that time you'll have reincarnated and wherever you live, you'll be equally if not more fortunate! Great karma.

Bring the bereft survivors and limbless orphans to commencement!

"Louisiana university cancels graduation address by UN ambassador over Gaza

Linda Thomas-Greenfield will no longer speak at Xavier University of Louisiana after students angered by US ceasefire vetoes at UN"

It's 2024.

So, which countries preferred by the rich guys have the happiest Mother's Day celebs!

How about some repetitive prayer!?

 "Six relaxation techniques to reduce stress"

This just makes me feel like addiction is very sad.


"Tiffany Haddish Turns 'Evil' During Her Cycle"| Conan

What a waste. Of time, resources, money, everything.

“'Where are we supposed to go? Where is the world, that’s just watching us?' said Ahmad Abed, who has an 8-month-old daughter. 'It’s like we’re sheep.'”

"Palestinians flee Rafah as Netanyahu vows to widen Gaza assault despite US warnings"

Just to be repetitive, again...

What else do people get convinced to make excuses for?

"The Abbey, West Hollywood gay bar, at center of disturbing claims"

How do people get convinced to always look the other way? 

You should want to help yourself more.

You're not better than other people just because you got treated with special favoritism for very superficial reasons.

You make choices that are beneath you for some short term rewards, but not everyone on the planet gets rewarded for that stuff.

"Investigating Lawsuits Against Mt. SAC – SACMedia"

"You have forty thousand people in the palm of your hand. It's like watching Hitler... but a nicer Hitler."

~ Movesesian

"In Israel, Conan O'Brien Became a Patsy for Netanyahu"

Find some rehabilitation!!!

Why do you feel so dedicated to old patterns that are not great for you?

I don't think I complain about the behavior of a certain guy because I'm a "mean person."

I actually feel like he's kind of like an addict who's always getting excuses made for him, and he's always getting people to look the other way when he does something that's not healthy.

I know that other people in society doing the same kinds of behavior would never get that many excuses made for them.

I don't complain because I want attention from famous people on TV.

I didn't say Colbert spied on me for fun. I know Colbert didn't spy on me. I don't make up things like that so that I can "get attention." I'm sure wherever Colbert lives is far closer to my mother's house in SC than however far Conan was from me when I think he spied on me in 2021 amongst other things, (like people who work for him spying, too) because he was feeling impulsive.

And he is a creative person, and he does things like that sometimes. 

But I think making extra excuses for the irresponsible behavior of someone just because he's in the entertainment industry is a form of prejudice. 

You don't make that many excuses for other kinds of people when they do that type of behavior. 

It's unhealthy. It's disrespectful and irresponsible. That's acting like other people's lives are insignificant compared to your impulses. 

How do people get convinced to go along with unhealthy things?

What else do people get convinced to make excuses for?

"The Abbey, West Hollywood gay bar, at center of disturbing claims"

How do people get convinced to always look the other way? 

How do people get convinced to make excuses for, say, the kinds of sexist behavior that eventually turns into something worse? Oh, it's okay to be irresponsible for that person. 

Just because you get a nice house? 

Just because you get to live in a small-minded shallow bubble of privilege? 

It's not even a real privilege! 

It's like getting the privilege of being able to snort a bunch of cocaine and get away with it. 

You get the cocaine privilege.

Who wants cocaine privilege!? 

Not everybody wants it.

"2023 Mt  SAC Alumnus of the Year..."

I'd like to also say that while I've on occasion won a debate in my past because I researched things and I was able to speak well, I have never wanted to "rip people's heads off" to make myself feel important.

This is what happens when you have a materialistic, shallow, and spiritually bereft society that rewards you for ridiculous behavior patterns. 

It's like the one who gets away with being irresponsible has not even got the real privilege. He just has the patriarchal privilege. 

It's not even good for him. 

True, it can be hard to be flexible and relax sometimes.

How can you earn a living when it's impossible to ignore that some places have had SUCH different standards for certain people in the recent past.

"Former Student Files Lawsuit Against Mt. SAC"

"Mt. SAC coach being sued for sexual harassment says accusers out for revenge money"

"Mt. SAC will not take action against Brian Crichlow Despite Sex Abuse Allegations"

"Former head coach suing Mt. SAC for gender discrimination"

I had to leave. I had panic attacks. I couldn't work. I had nightmares that made it feel like another World War was about to start.

It wasn't just the "What do you call a woman with two black eyes? A slow learner" guy that one time who was a problem.

I am glad to be able to live with someone who is not so stubbornly inflexible, like some others have had to be, just to make their money and to be able to get along in a toxic society.

Flexible thinking sounds interesting!

What about when people have, like, a lesson plan set in their heads, and then they find out their lesson plan is not really working so well for everyone, so in the interest of not making things bearable only for a select few, they decide, why not be flexible, and throw out the old lesson plan, because what if something new could actually be much better!?

Lesson learned.

Some people are so dedicated (and I mean very stubbornly dedicated) to The Narrative that they have set forward in Their Heads that they simply will not listen. Because they think that it does not behoove them to listen.

Don't be like that.

"Contractor sprays paint in faces of Gaza college protesters while covering up a pro-Palestine mural

The university’s president has since apologised for the incident"

Why are people not smarter

"'It’s not human’: What a French doctor saw in Gaza as Israel invaded Rafah"

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

In a lifetime on planet Earth...

Is it amazing to think of what being more motivated by curiosity, instead of needing to have the illusion of control over others, could do?

Retail therapy.

Me and the extra purchases on the Vitacost site.

Because I need more Black currant oil for my health and there's a sale going on and I am getting paid again now. 

Musical Humanity


Sufjan Stevens - "Wallowa Lake Monster"

"2 children die after being swept away by California creek"

People can get mean in their comments on other sources of information.


"Biden says he will stop sending bombs and artillery shells to Israel if they launch major invasion of Rafah"

A thing to wonder about "Bread & Circumstances"

When does "I like to make people laugh, but not oppress and gaslight them and ignore what they're going through in the process" get to come out, if not when your tax dollars are being used to starve children and kill them or make them orphans!?

Who would like the Patriarchal Ones to grow up faster?

"Evangelicals Hate Stormy Daniels But Love Trump. Here's Why "

What happens when I look up quirky Netflix film "The Laundromat"?

"Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist

Daphne Caruana Galizia, a blogger whose investigations focused on corruption, was described as a ‘one-woman WikiLeaks’"

"Court Refuses to Block Release of Netflix's Panama Papers Movie"

"The Laundromat" | Official Trailer | Netflix

Just because it was on the TV screen.

The train of life, just chugging away...

"It’s Not Just You: No One Can Afford Kids Anymore"

~ The Financial Diet

Now she is here.

"She Survived an Airstrike That Killed Her Entire Family"

Now you are there.

"2 children die after getting swept away by San Bernardino County Creek"

Holy musical interlude.

Sufjan Stevens, "Drawn To The Blood"

"During times of war, it is often the children who bear the brunt of suffering."

“We believe that every child, regardless of their circumstances, deserves the chance to play and experience joy,” says Dr. Hany Saqr, CEO of LIFE. “In the face of the Gaza crisis and despair, we are bringing moments of relief and happiness to these children’s lives.”

"Gaza’s Orphaned Youth Rediscover Childhood Joy at Special Eid Event"

So many have died. Death happens. Death reminds.

Death, despair, discrimination, disappointment.

You're not more important than an orphan in another place who's been treated worse than you.

You don't get a special pass for being abusive and controlling just because Patriarchal Culture taught you to be that way, and that you could get some rewards or temporary gratification for yourself by making more excuses for abusive, controlling people.

The Patriarchal programs are so unhealthy.

How can you be so desperate for approval or acceptance that you have to act like certain kinds of people's experiences don't exist and that abusive, insensitive people matter more to you than other kinds of people?

They lack sensitivity because being shallow is their survival strategy.

The uncaring and cruel patriarchal people with their uncaring and cruel behavioral patterns are like sick, cruel, uncaring cult followers.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

I never put those together before.

"Breathtakingly crabby."

That's a feeling.

What if I go have a drink.

Nevermind, a drink of water.

I am perhaps the worst fit for professions that deal with tragic losses. 

Or am I.

The life is short message didn't wash away

Gaslighting people and making "The Bar is Low" like a background theme for how to live is a ridiculous way to use a lifetime.

It's a "Humans can do better" opportunity.

"My final message to Columbia"

Not everyone can be or wants to be like them.

Controlling people want to preserve oppressive systems because they have found a place in them, and they're not interested in other people having better lives. They're self-absorbed, and scared to not be self-absorbed. They don't want to think their lives are connected to others. They want to live in small privilege bubbles, but they're actually cheating themselves out of more than they can admit, because they're addicted to old ways which do not encourage them to grow or change as much as they could. They feel threatened by other people getting more. They think they're fine with the oppressive systems and they refuse to see that they're being actually not very good to themselves, either. They could do more for themselves and for others if they grew more.

Also ridiculous...

I feel like when people are more into controlling the narrative just so they can fit in with the unwell Patriarchal Culture and get some temporary rewards, that is just so unsatisfying.

How can they be so complacent as to just go along with it, instead of questioning it more, and / or at least making some attempts at coming up with better options?

Do they lack the motivation to make life better? It would seem so.

The Patriarchy is truly ridiculous.

"Ladies, don’t even think about passing a sacrament tray"

~ Alyssa Grenfell

It's nice how humans seem to care sometimes.

There was a brush with tragedy, and now there's this article... 

"Scores of starving brown pelicans found on Southern California beaches"

Very mysterious.

Emotionally exhausting empathy issues

Getting followed around by people who chose to be famous in not just one or two but three and maybe even four instances, among OTHER THINGS.

Maybe she's tired and needs to process this life some more.

Really crying on the inside, but no watering in the eye regions.

Which paragraph is better?

"Hamas's mafia-like control of Gaza" - The Jerusalem

"Hamas has been traveling throughout the region since October 7. Rather than being isolated, it has gained influence. The president of Turkey, a NATO member, hosted Hamas leaders in April. Since the attack, Hamas has also sent officials to Moscow and received backing from many countries. This means that Israel has faced an uphill battle in Gaza."


"Hamas has been jetting around the region since October 7. Rather than being isolated due to this massive attack, it has gained influence. Turkey’s leader hosted Hamas leaders in April. Turkey is a NATO member. Hamas has also sent officials to Moscow. Hamas has received backing from many countries since the attack. This means that Israel has faced an uphill battle in Gaza."

~ Seth J. Frantzman

I let me eat cake yesterday.

"At a moment of widespread protests against the government and trendy calls to 'eat the rich,' the Queen of Condé Nast decided the theme of her annual Met Gala should be a short story about wealthy people staving off mobs of plebians."

~ Johnny Oleksinski

After thinking about it.

“'The Garden of Time' tells of Count Axel and his wife, the countess, in their utopia of leisure, art, and beauty; they live in a villa with a terrace that overlooks a garden of crystalline flowers with translucent leaves, gleaming glass-like stems, and crystals at the heart of every bloom. Though, as in all of Ballard’s work (Ballardian, per contemporary dictionaries, has come to represent dystopian modernity, bleak artificial landscapes, and the psychological effects of technological, social, or environmental developments), there is a dystopian element to their paradise; holding onto it is like trying to keep every grain of a fistful of sand intact in your palm.

Beyond the walls of Count Axel’s villa, an encroaching and chaotic mob draws nearer every hour. To restore tranquility, the count must pluck a time-reversing flower from his garden until there are none left. The story ends with the unthinking mob descending onto the villa, now a derelict property with a neglected garden, in which a statue of the count and his countess stand entangled in thorny belladonna plants."

~ Lilah Ramzi

Another musician...

“'My mom was a forward-thinking woman-of-size who made it in an industry that was largely controlled by men,' she said. 'That makes her story timely.'”

~ Owen Elliot-Kugell, Jim Farber

"'The truth was just too painful’: the highs and lows of Mama Cass"

"In 1974, Cass was booked to an extensive, and very successful, residency in London. After completing the last show in July she retired to an apartment in Mayfair where, several hours later, she died in her sleep from a heart attack. In her book, Elliot-Kugell works diligently to uncover the origin of the ham sandwich story. She discovered it was cooked up by her manager, Alan Carr, just so no one speculated that drugs were the culprit. Well-meaning as that may have been, it turned her mother’s death into a punchline. The mere fact that people fell for it bold-faces the prejudice that surrounds weight. 'It was easier for the public to accept the idea of someone being gluttonous when they’re heavy,' Elliot-Kugell said. 'It made the story salacious.'”

~ Jim Farber

"'The truth was just too painful’: the highs and lows of Mama Cass"

Well, I guess it's time to get more creative.

Since genocidal bigotry is just too mean.

"'Blood is on your hands, Biden’: US rapper
Macklemore gives support to Palestine and campus protests"

The business makes more sense now.

That social security situation is a great way to convince everyone to act like the abusive rich guys are way more important than anyone else.

Oh, but Problematic Income Inequality will surely be lessened by then, right?

Laurie Kilmartin on X: "WHEN GEN X STARTS TO RETIRE: 'Social Security benefits will be drained in 2035'"

"Outlook Brightens Slightly for Social Security, Medicare"

Help more?

"4 Children From Gaza Arrive in U.S. for Medical Treatment"

Expect more?

"'You can expect the president to make clear that during these sacred days of remembrance, we honor the memory of the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust,' press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Monday. 'And we recommit to heeding the lessons of this dark chapter. Never again.'”

~ Zeke Miller

"Biden to condemn current antisemitism in Holocaust remembrance amid college protests and Gaza war"

My comic relief!

"Resident Alien Recap: Season 2, Episode 2 - 'The Wire"

Monday, May 06, 2024

Growth is good.

It's good when humans want to become more compassionate.

That's a coping mechanism.

Acting like nothing's wrong just to get some quick fix short term benefits isn't compassionate.

Humans can be so much smarter...

"Maté says enhanced, sustainable treatment of addiction requires 'caregivers and counselors who get it. We need to take a less punitive and more compassionate, trauma-informed approach.' He says, 'Don't ask the question 'why the addiction,' but 'why the pain?'"

And then eventually, something will change, for the better!

Sometimes I wonder if some people should just walk around with a sign that says, " I am well-trained. To not care. About human health. Pay me. To entertain. All the abusive people. I was groomed. For this. Nevertheless. It can't go on. Like this. Forever. So. What's next."

What is wrong.

"The next Epstein..."


Be careful where you drink.

Including if you're a guy.

"Bartenders working with human traffickers"


Any immature dudes to blame?

"The statement says reports continue of sexual assault and violence against women and girls detained by Israeli forces, but provides no further details. It cites U.N. reports that 'a number of' women and girls have been 'forcefully disappeared' since the start of the war.

The authors also say miscarriages have increased; that 17,000 children have been orphaned since the start of the war; and that Israeli forces have destroyed Gaza’s largest fertility clinic, which is reported to have been storing 3,000 embryos.

'Israel must cease all hostilities and States must end the export of all weapons immediately. These States can no longer ignore the fact that the weapons are being used to kill and maim innocent women and children. There can be no more excuses,' the statement concludes.

Israel’s foreign press department didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment."

~ Joe Stanley Smith

"UN denounces ‘onslaught of violence against women’"

Big Brother Patriarchy wants more unwell people to give in.

"UN denounces ‘onslaught of violence against women’"

They're all outside & agitated.

"The history of 'outside agitators' — from Gaza protests to Martin Luther King Jr."

People could get bored of war.

And into music and the arts and things.

John Lennon - "Woman (With Lyrics)"

God, I don't know why other people don't think about multiple lives.

It was written less than one hundred years ago, when your God-loving grandmother was alive and young.

"If God lets me live..."

Anne Frank – The Diary of Anne Frank...

Change of plans!

Stuffed myself with cold potato casserole. I eat many vegetarian things.

Not too hungry, just dissatisfied.

I think I'll go out to get a hot dog.

This time. That time. These times. Those times.

"'Deepfakes' of Holocaust victims beamed onto Habima for Remembrance Day"

Who's to blame?

"Hamas says it agreed to a cease-fire deal. Israel strikes Rafah and says deal ‘far from’ meeting its demands"

What do

Maha Hussaini on X: "My phone is dying. I'll be offline for a couple of hours soon. The bombing is still ongoing. Israel is committing multiple massacres in different areas across the Gaza Strip. Keep posting about Gaza. Do not let these atrocities go unnoticed."

"Maha Hussaini"

Yeah, it is kind of her choice.

 Choices are happening again.

"(I actually like the bow)"

She said she's a corporate puppet.

Skyler Higley on X:

"I’m drunk and I just explained the whole Kendrick/Drake beef in Israel/Palestine terms to two white dudes who DID NOT ask for it and to whoever those dudes were… I’m sorry."

What other first world problems are bothering the fortunate people who aren't Conan, or Tiffany?

"How does Tiffany Haddish feel..."

Falling happens

"I am the black sheep to them."

~ Alyssa Grenfell

"How I Told My Mom I Wanted to Leave the Mormon Church"

Not only is it not easy for me to ignore...

But for the universe to want me to identify with someone who died in a protest setting, in addition to the other ghosts that the universe wanted me to pay attention to, as if maybe I was part of their experiences, too, and as  if maybe I was part of other lives, or lifetimes, is also not easy to forget.

She wrote:

"I spelled out the risks to Aidan: suspension, loss of housing and medical care, reputational harm, damage to career prospects. 'The students in Gaza don’t have schools to protest in; they don’t have medical care to be taken away from them,' he replied. 'This is nothing compared to what they’re experiencing.' It was a familiar sentiment on the part of students I had met by now, this throwing it back to Gaza as a sort of compass to maintain direction and remember the stakes. And it came with the heartbreaking, terrifying resolution that only young people are capable of, still unbroken by compromise or experience of how flooring the toll is when it arrives. In them, there is a compass too."

~ Nesrine Malik

Consider reading...

"Don’t let the sound and fury over Gaza protests drown out what the students are saying"

~ Nesrine Malik