Saturday, August 31, 2024

People can be strange...

The internet, or maybe just their behavior, makes some people look very strange sometimes. For example, they apparently can't stop and notice that an American (an unwell older white man) killed fellow Americans not too far from where they live, yet they are busy posting things about how they still think they need Trump to protect them from all the dangerous foreign people.

"Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular"

"Donald Trump and His Boomer Base: My Generation Has Not Aged Well"

Oh, do they want to call a community meeting because of something that happened nearby? No, it's something they saw on TV and now they say they need Trump to evict all the foreign dangerous people so that they can feel safe.

"In 1980, white people accounted for about 80 percent of the U.S. population.

In 2024, white people account for about 58 percent of the U.S. population.

Trump appeals to white people gripped by demographic hysteria. Especially older white people who grew up when white people represented a much larger share of the population. They fear becoming a minority.

While the Census Bureau says there are still 195 million white people in America and that they are still the majority, the white population actually declined slightly in 2023, and experts believe that they will become a minority sometime between 2040 and 2050.

Every component of the Trump-Republican agenda flows from these demographic fears."

~ James Risen

The Internet, or maybe just their behavior, makes some people look very prejudiced, sometimes.

"I’m a baby boomer myself, and I no longer recognize my own generation. A big slice of white boomers are now living on hate. They hate nearly everything and everybody — even Disney and Taylor Swift! — because Trump and MAGA and Fox News have told them to. They hate books, vaccines, colleges, unions, corporations, cities, Hollywood, Broadway, the NBA and the NFL, Black people, brown people, and of course immigrants. They really hate immigrants. They are convinced that college professors and journalists secretly control America.

My generation has not aged well."

~ James Risen

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