Saturday, August 24, 2024

Like, I really hope the rest of the evening is gonna be much calmer and better now.

I feel like I just had a physical metaphor for how some of my mental and emotional states have been lately. 

I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm cool. I'm great. 

Now I'm dying. 

Okay, now I'm better again.

So I almost don't want to blame the burger. Because after all someone else ate the burger, too. And that person seems fine. But I feel it was the burger. But also. What if it's just me. If so, that was a hell of a way to get my attention. I rarely react to any food that way, like I can count on one hand how many times that kind of food poisoning type of thing has happened to me.

But I have a lot of hope that the rest of the evening is going to be much calmer now.

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