Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I am going to learn many more things in this life. I have been learning many things.

When my nervous system was too fried and I couldn't work for over a year, I was learning a lot. When things changed to the point where I could work for money again, I learned different kinds of things.

I know someone who wanted to go visit his parent on Father's Day, but the dad didn't feel well and told the children not to come visit, and actually, the children were not welcome to visit any time, because somebody in that house did not want those children visiting. And it was like that for years and years and years, and it was always someday in the future that it was going to change and get better.

So a lot was missed out on. 

The day after the Father's Day the children could not visit, again, the father died. 

I live with someone who has that kind of learning to contend with.

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