Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Maybe? It could be so.

"Cat Sharing Her 'Emotional Support String' ❤️"

There were some times recently when I felt very strange as if I had some kind of strange animal energy on me. It felt like furriness and awkwardness. Well, it seemed like the energy didn't quite want to be left behind. So what I had to do was try to integrate it with another kind of energy that maybe will be more of what is going to be expressed in the future, like a more refined, gentle energy. 

A little very long-haired unkempt bunny showed up near the front door this week. It reminded me of that feeling again.I asked a neighbor if she knew anyone who lost a pet bunny, but she didn't know. It went into a different yard with better grass. 

Another person came to my door and asked me if the bunny was my pet, and I said no, but I had taken pictures and put up a sign in the laundry room. I had to leave, but when I came back she was walking around with a kid and showing pictures of the bunny to others. As of yesterday it was also seen behind a fence in another backyard so maybe that's it's home.

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