Friday, September 20, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Time to go back on vacation!

"Undercover as a hotel cleaner in Ireland: ‘Lifting the heavy mattress, I cry tears of rage and exhaustion’"

~ Saša Uhlová

In this lifetime or the next lifetime?

X's folks will be $0 much easier to hang out with when they stop acting like their entire existence revolves around propping up their inherited "we feel entitled to not care about the people who are of your kind" Unkind Unwell Uncaring Patriarchal Values.

It does sound strange.

"It’s strange how normal this weird existence seems after a while. Maybe that’s because everyone is completely exhausted."

~ Saša Uhlová

Your children do not inherit what you inherited.

"The organic farm shop is a paradise for wealthy Germans. Behind the scenes, we pick and chop vegetables until we’re on the point of collapse."

~ Saša Uhlová

"Undercover as a farm worker in Germany: ‘My hands are numb. No one knows when the shift will end’"

Countless hours of learning experience!

Special skin and special hair and special genetics and special needs.

You do not get your parents' genetics.

"I have to rest because I can't walk right now because I got a rash from shaving."

"You shave there?"



"I have PCOS"


If I was rich, I'd get laser hair removal all over my upper legs so then I didn't have to feel the need to shave my inner thighs before I go to the beach and get tons of rashes and incapacitated with walking and applying ointments and bandages. Liquid Neutrogena and Tend Skin helps but it is not enough. We'll see if the at-home hair zapping device that they sell nowadays works in a few months.

This cat likes you!

"Milo and his fireplace"



"Trad wife content has gone way too far"

Hee hee.

 "The best birthday..."



"Burn Your Village (Same Old Energy pt.II) - Official Video"

~ Kiki Rockwell

Villager Voices: "It's just cultural programming. We don't like hearing about that stuff when the words come out of your mouth, but when they come out of the mouth of another person, it sounds so much better."


"Children in Gaza: ‘We deserve to live our childhood like other children'"

I will try this recipe in the future.

 "Lentil bread"

What's on the menu for breakfast today???

"Teamsters won’t endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump"

What if it all starts to look similar to the food growers of the future...

 "TAMPA, Fla. - Criss-crossing the back roads of Florida, you'll see just how fruitful the state is. Watermelons, peppers, corn and many more crops fill the landscape. Each one is unique, but the farmers who grow them share one growing problem: labor."

~ Mark Wilson

"Battle over migrant farmworker wages in Florida as farmers face rising costs"

The descendants agree that Hollywood people of that particular era who were great at acting like they didn't care about human rights were simply reflecting the values of the witch burning villagers they needed to entertain.

Which presidential candidate was most likely to mirror their behavior patterns? 

"It was the 2020s, so certain communities agreed that voting for the most fascist candidate was bad, but benefiting from other privileges, getting money from discriminatory institutions and having access to Amazon delivery was good."

Hair has changed.

Last 36 hours....

A hit and run fender bender on the way to the airport, airplanes from West to East Coast, meals, a beautiful dip in the Atlantic Ocean, prickly pear spines in hands (picked them without gloves), tending to bodily ailments, intense bout of cleaning after opening a dust bunny laden closet...but then I got at least 6 hours of sleep and now it's different.

The water here is different. It makes my hair really crazy and wavy after I wash salt water out of it. looked witchy in the mirror.

Why did some "burn the witch" vibes come at you from unexpected directions?

Have you read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"? The mother prefers her son to her daughter.

What if some people still act like they'd like you better if you were a born in a different kind of body on account of their survival mechanism programming? 

Maybe it's because they need to feel they have more control over their environment.

Monday, September 16, 2024

These are rockstar clouds!

Honoring the Emotional Labour, Too.

Paris Paloma - "LABOUR (the cacophony) [Official Video]"

It's a great time to get better at valuing all kinds of human beings a little bit more, or a lot.

"Women, especially women of color, in the United States are more likely to live in poverty than men, and they need robust, targeted solutions to ensure their long-term economic security."

What if her friends utilized their fertile imaginations...🤣

"Michelle Russell, 70, regularly met her closest friends for 'music and margaritas.' It was their tradition: They would order salt-rimmed cocktails, share a meal, and listen to whichever local musician was playing at their favorite restaurant.

But Russell has been receiving fewer and fewer dinner invitations.

'Over this past year, because my money has gotten so tight, those friends don't call me anymore,' she said. 'They know I don't have the money to go out, and it's embarrassing for me when they pay for my bill.'"

~ Allie Kelly

"Boomer Who Lives on Social Security Struggles Financially"

Remember to take the black curant seed oil this morning?

Although a certain kind of life seems not just 99% but actually 100% unattainable based on my inherited genetics in this lifetime, there must be other think???

Looks delicious...would try.

 "Best restaurant to eat in Milan"

~ The Pasinis

Beth Orton - "Sweetest Decline"

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Just sharing, again.

I had such a fun food experience this evening. I dipped sourdough bread into olive oil with raw garlic, and later I added herbs de provence. And I had the retsina that I like. I know lots of people think retsina is disgusting. But there is one brand that I like to drink chilled, and it has a pine cone on the bottle. Gaia Wines makes it.

It sat in the fridge all summer and I was never in the mood to drink it, and then tonight it was nearing the bottom of the bottle and I finished it off because this was the night to appreciate it!

When you're in the mood to drink that particular type of wine, it's kind of like there's a pine forest in your cup.

You know what else goes weirdly well with that retsina? 

Oily peanut butter! 

Yes, it was a very oily night. 

I had oily bread with garlic and herbs.

And then I had peanut butter and red currant jelly on sourdough. 

And also just plain spoonfuls of the oily peanut butter.

And then I would drink the retsina and it would be like, Oooooh pine forest in a bottle!

These are exciting times to be alive.


Well, it's great to be able to experience all this free love and living...what with all the writing and sharing and eating of sourdough bread and accepting oil as a part of's just what's happening right now, I guess.

It's cool outside. Reading this story of a disappeared mountain ranger.

"It wasn’t until the summer of 2001, five years after he disappeared, that Randy’s remains were finally discovered."

~ Eric Blehm

"Climbing Mt. Morgenson in Sequoia and Kings Canyon"

"The following morning and 6,000 vertical feet later, we topped Sheppard Pass, and were welcomed to the high country with a squall. 'Smell that?' Rick said, inhaling deeply, as we pulled ponchos from our packs. 'Rain on granite, nothing like it.' And he was off, hustling across the exposed plateau. Thunder growled. Lightning flashed. 'We should spread out a couple hundred feet,' he yelled back to me. 'If the lightning gets much closer, get up against a rock and sit on your sleeping pad with your knees pulled up to your chest.' He took a few more steps. 'Hey, not to freak you out,” he continued, 'but if I die up here, I’m good with that.' He inhaled deeply again, and I gave him a thumbs-up."

~ Eric Blehm 

Climbing Mt. Morgenson in Sequoia and Kings Canyon

"Looking around for a place to recline and close my eyes, I smelled a distinctly sweet and delicate scent and found myself in a garden of strikingly blue polemonium, which had been Randy’s favorite Sierra flower. I’d only happened upon the high-altitude gem a handful of times, in little more than withered clumps, because I tended to visit the high country in September and October, past the flower’s prime. I had hoped I might see it on this trip, and recalled the story from Randy’s childhood, when he’d climbed a Yosemite peak with his father, Dana, and first discovered polemonium eximium. Dana told Randy that the common name is sky pilot because it is found only on or near the tops of the highest peaks. 'The name,' said Dana, 'means ‘one who leads others to heaven.’' Randy reached to pluck a tiny bouquet for his mother, but his father had stopped him, explaining how the delicate flowers had fought hard to survive in such a harsh environment. 'Wouldn’t it be nice to leave these alone?' He explained in terms an 8-year-old might grasp: 'If climbers before us had picked these flowers, we wouldn’t now be enjoying their beauty.'”

~ Eric Blehm

"Climbing Mt. Morgenson in Sequoia and Kings Canyon"

"I don’t wish man in control of the universe, he’d written in 1971 while atop Mt. Solomons. I wish nature in control, and man playing only just a role as one of its inhabitants. I want every blade of grass standing naturally, as it was when pushed through the soil with spring vigor. I want the stones and gravel left in the autumn as spring meltwater left them. Only these natural places, apart from my tracks, give me joy, exhilaration, understanding. What humanity I have has come from my relations with these mountains."

~ Randy Morgenson qtd. by Eric Blehm

Climbing Mt. Morgenson in Sequoia and Kings Canyon

Will definitely look at this again.

"Parasympathetic Nervous System | Healing Frequency"

~ Irene Athanasiou

I might check this out sometime.

It could happen.

"Rainn Wilson's personal experiences inspired his spirituality-focused podcast"

"Soul Boom" | Official Podcast Trailer

Our experiences shape our reactions / responses

There's been times when I have felt that even if I don't have the resources because of whatever I am experiencing or learning, I do have an underlying feeling that I want more and more people to get access to whatever they need in order to have a better life. 

When the universe has delivered some weird experiences, there's a need to learn how to respond to those experiences. Sometimes there's a learning curve.

What luxury to know and believe!

It's fine to want to be my best self: pet cats and lay in the grass.

Or in a room with a view.

Some types of more confusion are more harmful than others.

"At the top of his golf course Friday morning, in Rancho Palos Verdes, California—with its staggering views of the Pacific Ocean and that mesmerizing coastline—Donald Trump announced that, if reelected, he would kick off his promised mass deportations of illegal immigrants in landlocked, rundown but reviving Springfield, Ohio..."

~ Joan Walsh

"There were problems with Trump’s logic, as always. First, according to local officials, there is zero evidence anyone is eating pets. Second, the Haitians in Springfield are there legally, with work permits, to help shore up the struggling economy. They would be hard to deport, Donald; even Ohio’s GOP Governor Mike DeWine and Republican Springfield Mayor Rob Rue defend them.

Also, Trump claimed he’d be deporting Venezuelans from Springfield, but they aren’t there. There reportedly are some Venezuelans in Aurora, Colorado, and Trump said that would also be an early mass deportation target. I guess he got confused. As always."

~ Joan Walsh

Societal norms need to be changed sooner rather than later.

Acting like all veterans, regardless of how they treat other people, are more important than everyone else, including the people you currently rely on to function at the most basic level on a daily basis, is going to look so so so messed up. 

This reminds me of that, too.

"California Gov. Newsom vetoes bill aimed at helping undocumented immigrants buy homes in the state"

I'm not even sure if that's ever happened before.

This morning, had a dream about a World War II  veteran relative who is now deceased, who probably had PTSD, who definitely had abuse issues, and who did not leave a good impression.

What can you learn from such a person? What can you learn from such a dream? The dream itself was not such a big deal, really. Just an impression of old guy in a kitchen, maybe a bit socially clueless, functioning as a problematic product of his culture, making a somewhat strange conversational moment (Do you have a condom, he asked, out of nowhere, as he prepared something on the stove.) But the fact of who was in it was the bigger deal.

This is understandable.

"My family’s past, and Germany’s, weighs heavily upon me. And it’s why I feel so strongly about Gaza"

~ Eva Ladipo

When is money a smokescreen?

"The Richest Man in Germany Is Worth $44 Billion. The Source of His Family Fortune? The Nazis Know."

"Top 10 Still Existing Companies That Supported the Nazis"

"Opinion: The Right Is Defending the Nazis — Again"

Did they have the autumnal drinks when Grandma was growing up?

I hope all the people with all the genetic advantages based on whatever societal norms are unfolding at the moment know this is definitely NOT what it was like in Nazi Germany and therefore they are NOT gonna look like ONE OF THOSE UNCARING JERKS to anyone's descendants...

It's the truth!

The cat getting mad at him is much funnier...

(Cat gets angry, leaps at Trump)

than bomb threats, hospitals being put on lockdown, and schools getting evacuated on account of Trump being racist.

"More bomb threats hit Springfield, Ohio, after Trump elevates false claims..."

Creative outlets are good!

"well that’s too d*mn bad 👹👹👹"


dads vocab: “whatchu doing” “hurry” & “my princess"


"korean gender reveals be like…"


This video has some mad dads. Also, sad moms.

 "Gender Reveals Are Kind of DUMB"


I will get an autumn-flavored drink today!

Probably apple.

"Gender Reveals Are Kind of DUMB"


Jesus was a lot nicer...

Monty Python - "Bring out your dead!"

"The angry cat, which you can never touch, sleeps..."

"I destroyed a man today" - The Office US

You think you're going to be a girl in the next lifetime?

Well, say goodbye to that guy. Adios to that other person. 

You'll probably still see so-and-so around, sometimes, but they're definitely not going to treat you the same. 

On the other hand, you might also meet some new people.

Hey, it's Sunday morning.

It's been a really weird lifetime! I wonder if it would be considered too early to complain about how obvious it's been that certain people would have treated me much better if I was in a man's body this time around, on account of their preferences based on their upbringing and / or cultural influences? Sorry. It's just been such a weird one. Seriously.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Time to get better again.

I suppose my deepest feeling is that people really need to take care of their health, and when they do that, it will be what's best for them, and it will be good to others as well.

From one perspective, pain means I have to cave into my body's stress response signals again tonight and it's changing my plans. Is it frustrating? Yes. I thought I preferred to do things a certain way, in my head, but my body needs me to do it another way.

To be honest, I wonder, what if I didn't really want to do it that way anyway, and my body pitches a fit at me for not listening. 

It's really hard to live in the society which has way too much focus on unhealthy patterns that are going to just horrify people in the future, and in fact, they already horrify some people. 

Anyways, I don't want to drain myself too much by talking about it too much, cuz I have to tend my needs.

Let's get better now.

Well, it's beginning to get colder...

''Winter'' By  Bebel Gilberto

What on Earth did he want?

 "National Benedictine College nuns denounce Harrison Butker's speech at their school"

"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait


"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait

You in or out.


"I can't decide. I just want to monitor what goes in and out of my backyard. Call me NIMBY."

Stuff is stuff. I write, and it is just one tiny corner of a life.

I understand everyone needs to take care of themselves. It's just that for whatever reason, I'm wired in a certain way where it really bothers me if certain people aren't being treated well, and I literally do think that people are going to look back on us with horror that it was just so normalized, almost maybe, not exactly, but almost like we were horrified when we learned about certain things in history class.

It makes a difference!

I got good food, happy vibes and sunshine and there's decent air quality outside today, too.

Whoa, small breakthrough!

Parts of X wanted to be nice to me, but the patriarch-he taught him more about how to not be nice to me. Hmmm. Digest that information for a little bit.


Taking a break and figuring out how to heal yourself is not bailing. Take a break. Heal yourself. Come back later.

Don't bail!

 You're fine.

"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait

Very nice.

I as well want to run around Ren Fair without contracting the bubonic plague...

"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait

And enjoy the refreshments.

The yolks are going to have that greenish tinge which I don't mind at all because I ate a lot of those!

 Kind of bummed I don't have any toast.

"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait

Oh good! I think my eggs are almost done.

 I'm boiling them.

"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait

More interrupting!!!

 But it's okay.

"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait

Gah! "The TRAD WIVES of TikTok" interrupted!

"The TRAD WIVES of TikTok"

~ FunkyFrogBait

The second half of the 2020s could be better!

"Farmworkers 'are second-class modern-day slaves that nobody seems to care about,' said Ann López, executive director of Center for Farmworker Families, an organization that promotes awareness about farmworker living and working conditions. Substandard housing issues exposed by the Half Moon Bay shooting aren’t new or unique, López said, and many elected officials have long ignored the crisis.

'I’ve worked on this issue for 25 years and haven’t seen any improvement,' she said."

~ Claire Wang

"A mass shooting revealed their brutal living conditions. Will new housing ease these farmworkers’ trauma?"

The housed veterans are coming to lend their moral support any day now.

"A mass shooting revealed their brutal living conditions. Will new housing ease these farmworkers’ trauma?"

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoes bill aimed at helping undocumented immigrants buy homes in the state"

Better breakfast soon.

"He's behind me isn't he" - The Office US

Oh my goodness! I couldn't tell which song got in my head yesterday so I'll just put them both here. There's two.

I do!

The New Pornographers - "Myriad Harbour"

Mitski - "Your Best American Girl"

There will be more songs to look at but why did the phrase "I do" make those two come back to me? Because "I do" is in the lyrics.

But what if I'm rebelling against that?

Well, you could at least lose weight and dye your hair and put in some contact lenses.

Now how can we turn things into jokes????

Well, I'm not turning myself into a light-skinned man with money in this lifetime just cuz that's who you treat better. I was that kind of guy in another life maybe? Hahaha. How do you even get enough calories in you to have enough energy to treat those kinds of people better than other kinds of people.

Who feeds you, honestly?

Rowr, unfriendly kitty.

Step One: Recover from panic attack. 

Step Two: Observe inequity triggers. 

Step Three: Channel anger 

"How to be a tool of the Patriarchy: being awful to all the people the Patriarchy wants me to be awful to has been a huge survival strategy of mine in this lifetime."

"It's unreal how much labor X is going to have to perform just so some people can become...whatever."

"Its not the worst thing if you gotta turn yourself into a manipulative control freak in order to survive a nasty culture and get your needs met, amirite?"

Friday, September 13, 2024

Well, I do!

Ever think about making the time to meet and explain the different points of view??? Could be fun....

Wait a bit longer...I guess.

Back molar that got a filling still absolutely does not take well to cold drinks. 

"Tooth Sensitivity After a Filling",and%20cause%20uncomfortable%2C%20sharp%20sensations

Yes, Hangry Voice. Eat your protein veggies and carbs.

"He's not like 'I belong in the service of a self-absorbed rich guy because The Patriarchy wants me to be an oppressed edible Girl Scout cookie for life."

Counting Crows – "Rain King Lyrics" | Genius Lyrics

Ever had Hangry Thoughts?

Like why isn't there psychological special Olympics for people whose genetics...OK, come on, well-rounded meal. Let's get that blood sugar balanced again.

I believe this is a good article to read!

"Waking up from Our American Dream

As Seneca First Nation member and psychologist Terry Cross defines it in this keynote presentation, 'culture is one group or people’s preferred way of meeting their basic human needs.' The American Dream tells us that we meet our basic needs by working hard to 'pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.' That way, we become free from having to depend on anyone else.

Who benefits from this story being told? Is it even true? As Daniel Suelo says in The Man Who Quit Money, 'There’s not a creature or even a particle in the universe that’s self-sufficient. We’re all dependent on everybody else' (p. 133). Who sewed the clothes you’re wearing right now? How many materials from how many different parts of the world are inside the device you’re reading this post on? How many hands touched the food you ate for lunch on its way to your table? How many living beings participated in the creation of your home, in your education, and in your emotional state? Even if you purchased these goods with money you earned, you are relying on a community to care for you. Our lives are inextricably tied up with one another. Indigenous communities offer us an example of what is possible when we embrace this reality."

~ Teju Ravilochan (contributing editors: Vidya Ravilochan and Colette Kessler)

"Could the Blackfoot Wisdom that Inspired Maslow Guide Us Now?"

I'm checking this out.

 "The Hidden Engineering of Landfills"

~ Practical Engineering

Another victim...

"I may be a victim of a hostile work environment" - The Office

They could be different.

They could be more like a fruit-picking Grandma who thinks Jesus loves the little children. (Just an example, not the only one.)

Sometimes it almost seems as if they're never gonna meet their quota!

Just checked (why?) and it seems the "fawn over a self-absorbed rich guy and act like you're so thrilled to be doing it instead of spending your time on other things" way of living is still accepting applications???

What a change! Will need a jacket.

Not a crow in the sky
but a cat on the ground.

56 degrees, white sky, wet ground, foggy. What world is this? The campfire smell is back, lightly.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Good night!

"The wealthiest Americans, unlike the Blackfoot during the Giveaway Ceremony — devote the smallest portion of their income to supporting those in need. As Ken Stern writes in The Atlantic:

In 2011, the wealthiest Americans — those with earnings in the top 20 percent — contributed on average 1.3 percent of their income to charity. By comparison, Americans at the base of the income pyramid — those in the bottom 20 percent — donated 3.2 percent of their income. […] Some experts have speculated that the wealthy may be less generous [than other classes] — that the personal drive to accumulate wealth may be inconsistent with the idea of communal support.

Since its inception, mainstream US culture has consistently failed to meet the basic needs of so many of its people. Who wins when, despite this shortcoming, we tell tales of American greatness? Who is left out?"

~ Teju Ravilochan (contributing editors: Vidya Ravilochan and Colette Kessler)


"Consider Lame Deer’s description and what Maslow witnessed at Siksika. Then consider the repetition of the idea that 'the United States of America is the greatest country in the world' despite the facts that one in four US households experience food insecurity, 4 in 10 Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency, the richest 0.1 percent make 196x as much as the bottom 90 percent, and with 40 million in poverty, the US may be the most unequal nation in the Western world.

Precisely for whom is the United States the greatest country in the world?"

~ Teju Ravilochan (contributing editors: Vidya Ravilochan and Colette Kessler)

American dream revised?

"Could the Blackfoot Wisdom that Inspired Maslow Guide Us Now?"

By Teju Ravilochan (contributing editors: Vidya Ravilochan and Colette Kessler)


“The fastest way to learn is to be slightly wrong in public.” — Patrick O’Shaughnessy

"What I Got Wrong: Revisions to My Post about the the Blackfoot and Maslow"

By Teju Ravilochan (contributing editors: Colette Kessler & Vidya Ravilochan)

A fun fellow just shared this with me.

"If You Can't Say It In Front Of Your Wife, Don't Risk Your Life"

When some people act like they'd treat you a whole lot better if you were living in a different body right now...

"Calming the Triple Warmer Meridian to Improve Sleep",body%20is%20on%20high%20alert

'Priest Convinced Of MIRACLE After Dog PEES On Statue"  ~ Derry Girls

"Every Schrute Family Tradition Ever" ~ The Office

Calm your system and find some humor to humor you.


Better nutrition, better housing, better health!


Say, how many kids do veterans want to help?

Cannot wait for society to evolve.

"Israel's 5th strike on same Gaza school 'totally unacceptable' UN says"

There certainly are other options.

WHEN DID "I really need to have people enable horrible living standards for the less fortunate in order to maintain my 'honored above all others' social status" BECOME THE PATRIARCHY'S PREFERRED SURVIVAL STRATEGY?

When you're almost ready to eat something...

"School Lunch: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver"

What. Why can’t i find this commercial.


To not wake up physically overly alert, and to say, oh yeah, there's the ones the Unwell Grouchy Patriarchy wants to be rid of still hanging in there, regardless...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I got access, yes. Thank you.

I believe we can get better. It will be light and it will be nice and it will be cool and it will be fun too.

Also, maybe humans can learn to love and appreciate their wounded sides. Rather than run away or numb them or feed them inappropriate chemicals. It's okay. Lots of people have felt wounded in this realm. Lots.

Believe believe believe.

There are good programs in the universe that are accessible and they will help you.

Flexibility is such a gift.

If people can't accept the program you're running on, there might be really excellent reasons for it. It might literally be like, their body is allergic to that program. 

I'm sure fun can be healing, but I have to heal from the fun I had earlier.

I'll have fun again someday but now is not my fun time. Now is my get down to business and heal yourself time. But I'll find a way to make healing fun again someday, but I just don't care about fun right now. I just care about getting focused on what's good and healing. I care about getting smarter about what's good for this body.

I will learn how to support this body better.

I suppose I drank too much caffeine today (for my particular would barely register in another body) because I have emotional pain to deal with on top of other kinds of pain, and now I'm getting the message to do some processes to address the pain, which is discomfort living in a human body and in a society where a lot of humans...well...there's a lot of struggle going on here on this planet, sometimes. Time to attend to the healing processes now.

Please help me become more intelligent. Please, universe, please.

I had such an interest in spirituality when I was younger. I truly want to be more into healing things. I should speak to myself differently. Like, when I have a physical issue I should say, Thank you, thank you body. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn more and heal. I appreciate this partnership we are in together. I want to get better at honoring our partnership. That's me. And this body I am currently living in. Unique genetics are a blessing. That's a belief that could be more accepted. I hear that people can get pushed off course because the force field around the Earth is dense and...well, I don't know. I suppose that's one explanation. Of course, when you're younger and someone older is taking care of your basic food and shelter needs, it's easy to think that you're not going to get pushed off course when you get older. If you're more sensitive, it's best to accept it, and to know you are invited to learn as much as you can about how to best take care of yourself and your life. Feeling excessively sensitive to caffeine or two other kinds of things...well, this is an opportunity to learn.

Drink water and heal better, humans.

Now I'm sad because the caffeine in my system just feels icky and jittery; its lame. It's a good thing I didn't drink more than I did. I think other people just get the good stuff from caffeine and they don't get the unwell effects, but I guess I have a sensitivity. Nevertheless, once in a while I might like a small drink of it. Have to drink water and maybe do ankle circles and go balance my system better now. Them's the breaks. Also my lower right jaw area still needs more healing! Please.

I haven't even watched this yet. What will it reveal?

 "Judging More Red Flag AITA Stories"

~ Dustin Poynter

I just watched 2 minutes and decided to  acknowledge a thought that was coming up like a cloud, like a poof of smoke...have you ever felt like you had a message to impart, and it got ignored???

Okay, back to the YouTube video.

7 minutes in. I had to go check in the other room and I said are you okay? I'm paranoid because I've had caffeine. I heard a noise and I wanted to make sure you're okay. 

Y: Was the noise this (sucks deeply on a straw from a cup empty of all but ice)

X: Yeah I wanted to make sure you weren't gasping for air.

Y: hahaha

X: hahaha

Back to the video!!!

Lol, minute 8: "the silly plant"!!!!

Minute 9: Do your angels want you to take care of your health? Yes. Believe the Imperfect Oracle who accidentally stepped on the cat's paw with a big fat human toe. 

Omigosh, how did that last story get its hooks so deeply into me?


"So far down..."


"'80s Anti-Drug Commercial - Parents Who Use Drugs"

Caffeinated breast milk!

It's time to drink a lot of water.

It's time to drink a lot of water. It's time to drink a lot of water. This is so great! It's time to drink a lot of water.

Is that right? What else awaits???

"How Beauty Standards In Korea is Changing'


Who knows what could happen next?!

I might get a pedicure. I might color my hair.

It seems my nervous system is handling the caffeine well today.

Boy, are you going to get it now. Buckle up. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride ahead! Why are you scared?

Dare Angel

She used to run away from noises in the other yard. Now she gets snoopy...

It's been hilarious to find out how easily you can get pushed off your path as an older person just by little forces you come into contact with.

Maybe I just need to heal some mouth ligaments. Maybe that's really what the best use of my time is on Earth right now.

Oh wow.

Is caffeine an appetite suppressant? I do better on caffeine when it's not the first thing in the morning and when I've eaten something, preferably several somethings.

Caffeine! After 6 p.m. Almost enough.

I had a spontaneous urge. Going back and forth between half a small iced caramel pumpkin brulee breve and half small caramel apple iced rebel drink and cringing at the sensitivity on the lower right side of my mouth, and before I give the bottom half of both to "better half" or shall we say "more laid back half" I get to enjoy knowing that this is how I, an adult, get to live dangerously but safely...what a luxury! I will drink lots of water. It will be fine.


It kind of feels like my body wants to cry. I'm not even necessarily sure if water's going to come out of my eyes soon. Just kind of feels like my body wants to cry. No need to argue. Process.

Oh, it has sneezed.

Why is this even considered acceptable to some?

"'On deportations, Trump expects a ‘bloody story’ in second term'

'In case Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant vision wasn’t already ugly enough...'"

I acknowledge that I wish he'd be less gross.

Pop Crave on X:

"Elon Musk responds to Taylor Swift’s endorsement of presidential candidate Kamala Harris in new tweet: 'Fine Taylor … you win … I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life'"


Isn't weird when the mountain glows like a volcano at night and makes you think of fires in Hawaii.

"Hawaii: Last Week Tonight..."

For a change.

Boring demagogue finally decides to try out some different recipes, sure to delight the palates of larger portions of the population.

Among other things...

I believe I should get a much better health situation, and not let Unwell Patriarchal Society make me feel so stressed out, harm my nervous system, and inflict such a lot of damage on my teeth and jaw.

Opinions are back.

Also, I think a very childish, acting out man who has interesting and creative ways of expressing himself wouldn't have also been such a trigger for panic attacks if he was more interested in larger swathes of humanity. 

Like, if he had been as good at entertaining kids at refugee camps as he was at entertaining Netanyahu, that would have been really next level.

There's a deficit affecting their outlook.

The Patriarchal people can be very childish.

"Trump at debate makes baseless claim about immigrants"

Technology is advancing.

"Experimental sensors aim to detect early signs of heatstroke and warn farmworkers 

An NIH-sponsored study is developing wearable biosensors that measure workers' vital signs and activity levels. Eventually, the system could alert people if they're in danger due to heat."

Capable of more.

Abandoning people who are different from you as a survival strategy is not the only way to get through life.

Tap teeth protected

 "Blood Red River"

~ Beth Orton

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

That's not the normal thing to see

 Down here.

Tonight's observation:

People can still get into a FB comments skirmish with a dude for being sexist even when they're all posting their worries about the fire. (He told them to go in the kitchen and make themselves useful, and they didn't like it).

That's the outside world here.

Clear skies, stars, no smoky smell, bunches of glowing orange lights on a range in the distance.

Good air quality. Enjoy it while it lasts.


I see orange on a range of land. I think it's the fire. I'm going to get binoculars. I don't smell it at all.

Human life is painful sometimes.

I have a headache in the lower right quadrant of my mouth and it's just being prescribed a mouth guard and sensodyne right now. Not even a painkiller prescription.

Big Nice.

I got to lay on a blanket on the ground this evening and there was no icky fire smell and I could feel the coolness descend...upon me is what I meant to say, but maybe also using me... and I could think of the now deceased tall, athletic, cool guy and his energy, and it was not sad, it was more like...Yeah, this energy is always here, and it's always cool. And it was nice...

Coping with life!

"Every Schrute Family Tradition Ever" - The Office

Musical tool...

"174 Hz || PAIN RELIEF SLEEP MUSIC || Deep Healing"

Argh. Very is.

I need to be very nice with my body because my body has been processing things that have been happening to it and there have been various instances of lowgrade pain and various various various various various various various various very is very is


I never went swimming this summer. Sickly sky, what would be best to put out the fire?

Here and elsewhere...

I'm going to watch this at some point today.

"The Office | Every Time Dunder Mifflin Takes A Trip to Schrute Farms"

Come on, cooler weather.

It's nice enough to leave the glass door open right now.

"Line Fire Blazes in Southern California—but Cooler Weather Gives Hope"

"When it gets cold in Germany 🇩🇪❄️"


"Why You And Your Siblings Don't Have The Same Parents" says Gabor Mate.

Real silly...sometimes.

"Iron Jawed Angels"

Help! My odd TMJ that bothers me more than it bothers a medical professional started to remind me of a movie I saw when I was much younger.

Who are the Iron-Jawed Angels.

Oh, they're not the Dukes of Hazard. They're the dukes of LOVE.

Team Coco | "How does Jeff Bridges feel about being..."

Or the dudes.

Just imagine...


"The Heartbreaking Reality of IVF"

~ Jessi and Alessio


"The books that changed my life (so far) - an eclectic list"

~ The Cottage Fairy

Model healthy habits.

"She was confused and asked me why I could draw on the wall and she couldn’t."

~ Eliza Hartley

"If you want your child to respect you..."

I don't think that what was playing on the mini TV in the shower looked very relaxing.

"resetting after a rough week ☁️ #selfcare #asmr"


God thinks all humans deserve to be equally loved in the 2020s, but according to Patriarchal Society...


"California farmworkers face outsize wildfire harm, study finds"

"It exposes a 2017 program in Sonoma County that allowed farmworkers to work under evacuation conditions unfit for anyone to breathe."

By Nicole Norman | 08/15/2024 04:18 PM EDT

What even is this?

"Microneedling with salmon DNA #shorts #asmr #satisifying"

She's rich and makes eggs like I do (sometimes)

Maybe I'll try the rest of the recipe sometime.

"Asmr breakfast🥐🍳🥑 #asmr #breakfast #breakfastrecipe"

"Boys will never understand #asmr #girlproblems"

"Christmas tree butter candle 🕯️🎄 #butter #candle"

That's crafty.

Took a little drive earlier.

"Priest Convinced Of MIRACLE After Dog PEES On Statue"

Proof at last.

As soon as the sleepiness comes back

I will be thoroughly enjoying another nice bout of sleep.

No one has to be jealous of my special communicating with the other side abilities!

Because we're all special.

Mister Rogers - "Everybody's Fancy (1971)"

I'm just kidding. I woke up from a nap. Which I definitely needed. I'm going to go back to sleep now.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Teach me good ways now, Universe.

O, body...I just want to get healed or well. For instance, tonight it's achy face problems around tooth and jaw. And even a touch of sore throat. The air is not good outside. It's just like not the best quality of life that I think I could have, so I will figure out how to make it better.

Can't go to the library.

The National Guard comes to fight the fire. The library is closed on account of the fire.

I guess I need to renew some books.

Like this one which I got from the library because it reminds me of when I was younger and my friend and her mom introduced me to Deepak Chopra for the first time. I have not read anything by him in ages.

And the cat was coughing, so I had to give her the hairball goo, and for the first time she didn't freak out when I put it on her paw, so hopefully that means it will help. And now I must attend to other tasks...

You might know that you can benefit from more knowledge and grow from it.

You might be learning more about how to be calm or kind or possibly even a little more like a well-trained first responder to your own health if you're the kind of person who's got multiple things going on. 

Maybe others have resources you don't have. Maybe you want to learn how to have more resources.

What can you do when there's a giant fire? It's not so easy to ignore that. Do you have good tools to deal with that situation right now? Where can you get the tools you need to take care of your life?

Waking up.

There's a big burning mountain over there and you're saying the Lord's Prayer.

Maybe this is the time to find more reverence for life's lessons.

I may even say The Lord's prayer. Just for fun or comfort. It sounds good now. "Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses..."

Maybe a good or necessary lesson.

People deserve to heal from pain, and I hope that happens more today. I need help with a specific physical ailment, and that's one level of physical healing. Knowing there's a secondary pain in the knowledge that others may need to find more resources for themselves if they're not going to choose to unsee or ditch certain kinds of  people...that is what gets shatteringly apparent sometimes. It shatters, because newer ways are needed for healing the pain now.

What learning is happening?

I know I have some pain...I am grateful I get to live with a person who will not abandon. He sticks around. Even when life gets complicated. Patriarchal Culture has not trained him to ditch others when times get tougher. 

Tomorrow is another health-seeking day!

I was looking forward to sleep tonight, but there's a huge fire, and I'm not very sleepy, and kind of wish I'd bought chocolate at the store. Just a little bit of chocolate. But I suppose I could probably just swallow a magnesium supplement, too. Coyotes are outside...

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Cloud above a fire.

A cloud on above the smoke on Friday evening.

"Southern California Wildfire Is So Fierce It’s Creating it's own Weather"

Learning how to take care of the body is a process, that's for sure.

Well, today will be a good day to take care of my health. Check on the air quality. Hopefully the fire goes away soon. Check on my tooth and advocate for myself at the dentist tomorrow. The nervous system is like, the number one thing that honestly lets me know when it needs to be taken care of better than I've been taking care of it. Let's not add more to the queue than we need to add.

She's getting grounded.

"influencer forcing a 'down to earth' video #funny"


"mom obsessed with her useless son celebrates his birthday"


"Chapter 1 #funny #comedy"


There's so many things overlapping with the brains and the emotional states and the physical states and...

What else can a human being's brain get mad about? Are they afraid if Grandma who speaks an indigenous language no one else reads gets some AI assistance and writes her dementia nanowrimo novel in imperfect English, they're going to lose their house? Their superior health insurance?

If the brain gets really mad about that, should it be an angry - mad or a silly - mad?

MANic! it means to put the emphasis on MAN

When you spell it like MANic!

"two manic pixie dream girls meet (again) #comedy"


What was that manic pixie dream girl sketch again where one of the manic pixie dream girls talks like a bird?

"I could have never written the first nanowrimo novel completely in bird language without the help of my trusty translator."

That attitude must feel very artistic...and superior.

"Only people with similar life experiences and excellent cognitive abilities that match my own are allowed into my writing club."

There's so many things to think about, really.

If someone's grandma with dementia wants to get down some writing with the help of AI, I don't see why I should get bent out of shape about that, in the name of real art and purity.

"Writing Is An Act, Not An Aesthetic" | Defector

Sarah Friedland - film and acceptance speech

"'Familiar Touch’ Review: Infinitely Tender Film on Dementia"

"Sarah Friedland voices support for Palestine during Venice film festival"

It wouldn't be so bad, would it?

Please hope that the farm worker child or preteen or youth or middle aged or elder who picked my salad likes the Barbie movie.


If farm workers have no housing, will the rich people starve first, or will the poor people starve first?

Are you sure?

Actually, I think most will agree that the farm worker who picked Ex's salad deserves even more toys than the farm worker who picked my salad, because Ex is a higher ranking official in our government than I am, at the moment.

Maybe so...

My grandchildren will definitely have all of the values I am role modeling for them right now.

How do I know?

Someone who picked my salad deserves a house or a toy or a health check-up.

Ever felt that way?

Racist, classist, sexist attitudes are so disrespectful to so many different kinds of human beings, it's almost overwhelming to think about it too is actually painful.

Life could get better in the 2020s

When nobody had sufficient housing to cover the basics for the "little ones" who pick the food for everybody who's more important than they are (according to the values the important ones inherited) even all of the sainted veterans (who are never accused of inflicting domestic violence on anybody) stopped being able afford your standard of living. But they were bleeding once upon a time, too. Meanwhile, uncountable innocents have died through the gross misuse of your tax dollars. So now, you are the actual most important human beings in your society. What are you doing with your time on this planet, in this life?

Wow, air quality in this area is "moderate" this morning.

Clear blue sky above. Wind has shifted. Only a tiny bit of campfire smell in the yard, at the the moment.

It's important to hydrate and to heal...

The cat seems to want to go out....seems to not know it's wiser to not go outside when there's a persistent smokey haze over the yard...That's what the N95 mask later is for...also it's time to accept more calming feelings here, even if others need to evacuate...peace.

Lord, hear the prayers of the ones who need calming clarity...

I pray for more safety with this sensitive system. I am curious about box breathing. 

Saturday, September 07, 2024

I was looking for something else but then I saw this again.

"Jon Stewart mocked the DNC for excluding Palestinian-American voices"

How else could that money be used?

“'There’s no getting around the awful truth: The United States is the Bank that is funding and arming the slaughter of children in Gaza. Netanyahu is a war criminal. That makes us his accomplices. THIS MUST STOP. Biden has been played like a sucker,' Moore wrote in his newsletter."

Adults are all different.

There's such a variety of adults in the world. There's such a variety of veterans. There's such a variety of women. There's such a variety of children...


I suppose the mind just wants to know why the feelings are there, sometimes.

"'I recognized her by her roller skate: Israeli strike kills children playing..."

I guess if you look at it from a certain perspective, one could say that some unhoused immigrant children in America whose parents pick our salads, or who themselves pick the vegetables, are still luckier than some other kids in other places? But it's very sad.

A misuse of military resources, paid for by who?

"'Psychologically broken,' 8-year-old Sama loses her hair.

As her family ran from shelling at their tent camp in Gaza, Sama shook in fear, screaming that she didn't want to die. But now she tells her mother, 'Mom, I want to die.'"

Which children are the kinds the adults you know want to write about???

Writing prompt for adults: "Poverty is so disrespectful to children."

Adults are in charge.

Speaking from experience, if you take a little kid to West Point, and she's aware of the presence of two adults, and there's one she's not related to, who's perhaps an immigrant from another culture, and is the cleaning lady, and the kid is spending a bit more time around the energy of the woman, because the man is busy doing other stuff in a different part of the building, she's still going to see them as both being the adults, and the ones who are in charge.

Not pictured...

Just saw a big billowing cloud of smoke from a fire alongside a streak of lightening.

Traveling companions...

Aidia - "In Quiet Moments"

"His three traveling companions were a 36 year old former Brazilian missionary (Mennonite), married liberal thinker and a very gifted person. The other two men were 20 and 21 years old, and were both Conscientious Objectors doing service in the medical ward of an Army hospital. Bill wrote, 'We got along quite well, and it was really fun to be with these people.' They were permitted to build a lean-to and sleep on the beach, as did many other tourists, and it was all very quiet. They toured the surrounding area and cities and reported that the majority of the people live in dire poverty. Bill was especially worried about the plight of the children."

"May 4 Archive - Bill Schroeder"

"'Bill: An All-American Boy’"

Dear Jesus!

I do think there's a "veterans who don't want you to f over everyone else just because they got to be veterans" club in heaven.

Hopefully no one was beaten for your salad today.

"That colonized message ('everyone is worthless compared to the light skinned people with lots of money and land' message) sounds like an ancestral wounded beaten child crying."

Maybe the better future should come faster.

You're going to be worth less to this Particular Society because of your genetics, but it could be different and better in the future.

Will this help.

 "California seeks developers to create AI solutions for state's homeless, housing issues"

Who deserves what kind of help, and how do you know that?

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoes bill aimed at helping undocumented immigrants buy homes in the state"

"Things happen for a reason"

If so, some people might need someone to tell them what it feels like when they abandon certain kinds of people for not very good reasons.

Friday, September 06, 2024

This is a musical experience.

"174 Hz || PAIN RELIEF SLEEP MUSIC || Deep Healing'

~ Meditative Mind