Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thank you for sharing!

 "5.    Toxic Positivity Damages Relationships

In close relationships, all parties do their best to support each other, lend a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear, or validate and be there for one another. Toxic positivity prevents this from happening, and it can alienate those you love and care about. This is because you may do these things:

Display inauthenticity by pretending to be happy when you aren’t and that inauthenticity bleeds into everything you do

Become dismissive of other people’s feelings and invalidate them in the guise of encouraging positivity

Miss out on supportive bonding opportunities with those around you

Begin to force others to behave in a pre-specified, overtly positive way, even when they don’t want to

May feel expected to put on a positive act for those around you, making your relationships less authentic

Bury emotions may manifest in moments where you lash out or behave negatively with others

Block out others and make them uncomfortable sharing things with you while preventing them from being themselves in your presence."

~ Lakeisha Ethans

"Psychology Explains The Impact of Toxic Positivity"

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