Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hair has changed.

Last 36 hours....

A hit and run fender bender on the way to the airport, airplanes from West to East Coast, meals, a beautiful dip in the Atlantic Ocean, prickly pear spines in hands (picked them without gloves), tending to bodily ailments, intense bout of cleaning after opening a dust bunny laden closet...but then I got at least 6 hours of sleep and now it's different.

The water here is different. It makes my hair really crazy and wavy after I wash salt water out of it. looked witchy in the mirror.

Why did some "burn the witch" vibes come at you from unexpected directions?

Have you read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"? The mother prefers her son to her daughter.

What if some people still act like they'd like you better if you were a born in a different kind of body on account of their survival mechanism programming? 

Maybe it's because they need to feel they have more control over their environment.

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