Sunday, September 15, 2024

Some types of more confusion are more harmful than others.

"At the top of his golf course Friday morning, in Rancho Palos Verdes, California—with its staggering views of the Pacific Ocean and that mesmerizing coastline—Donald Trump announced that, if reelected, he would kick off his promised mass deportations of illegal immigrants in landlocked, rundown but reviving Springfield, Ohio..."

~ Joan Walsh

"There were problems with Trump’s logic, as always. First, according to local officials, there is zero evidence anyone is eating pets. Second, the Haitians in Springfield are there legally, with work permits, to help shore up the struggling economy. They would be hard to deport, Donald; even Ohio’s GOP Governor Mike DeWine and Republican Springfield Mayor Rob Rue defend them.

Also, Trump claimed he’d be deporting Venezuelans from Springfield, but they aren’t there. There reportedly are some Venezuelans in Aurora, Colorado, and Trump said that would also be an early mass deportation target. I guess he got confused. As always."

~ Joan Walsh

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