Sunday, February 07, 2016


1) Baked Cheese Crunchies (with turmeric! an anti-inflammatory spice)
2) Dark Chocolate Nutty Bits (dark chocolate is also anti-inflammatory!)

Just in case of too much weight loss on the tea and soup diet...I mean, wouldn't it be awful to loose a bunch of weight because you got sick and then have to deal with the "you look great!" aftermath? (cue memory of the college roommate who fell into a coma, lost a bunch of weight, returned to school and then obsessively and unhappily weighed herself multiple x a day every single day as she began to "get back to normal"...GRRRRRRRRR...body fascism!)

I must be getting better; I didn't cough even once as I typed this. 
Maybe it's all those healthy anti-inflammatory SNACKS!


"keep moving"

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