Thursday, February 25, 2016

What would auntie D say...

"I enjoy pushing my luck until I get a clear message I have broken someone's trust." Perhaps this is not the wisest life strategy. "I received inadequate training in (fill in the blank) soft skills, making it easy to resort to (fill in the blank) in relationships." You are not alone in this. "I work all the time, not because I have six mouths to feed, but because it fills up the yawning chasm in my life where others enjoy (fill in the blank)." That is sad.

These are not unsolvable problems. Auntie D recommends employing someone with the ability to step back and pragmatically examine the larger a good therapist. "But (fill in the blank) doesn't go to therapy." So what? "I tried that and didn't like it." Maybe yoga or meditation or energy healing then? "No." Then take up knitting. That is my final answer. I am off to do that now.

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