Sunday, February 28, 2016


Melinda Gates: 

“'Unless things change, girls today will spend hundreds of thousands more hours than boys doing unpaid work simply because society assumes it’s their responsibility.'”


"But another study from the University of Nevada, which used national data from the year 2000, adds a stunning asterisk to Klawitter's findings: Lesbians who had previously lived with male partners made 20 percent less than those who’d never cohabitated with a husband figure.

Were men actually the drags on women’s earnings?

After controlling for characteristics like education and experience, the authors found a 6.6 percent premium for cohabiting lesbians over cohabiting heterosexual women, with the premium falling to 5.2 percent if the lesbians had ever been married to a man. 

 (Still, two-women households, on average, see lower combined income than man-woman arrangements.)"

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