Monday, September 02, 2024

I think it was a dream about some people having colonized minds.

I had a dream that there was a message on a fence that I could read, and it was difficult to read it because the person who wrote it was using a code and writing some letters backwards and leaving out pieces of how words are normally spelled, but I figured it out and could read it, while other people laughed about it and acted like they weren't going to do that. They were just going to look at it and give up. It's kind of upsetting when people choose to be small-minded and insular just to protect themselves from too much "different" information coming at them. It can be disappointing when people act like only a certain culture can be the culture that they  identify with, and other types of cultures are outside of what they will choose to try to understand. I don't think they were born that way. I think that they chose to adapt to the society around them to fit in, and that's why I think maybe the dream was about the way I see the effects of colonization affecting some human beings. "Colonization makes you exclude dyslexic people" could be one almost silly interpretation of that type of dream?

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