Thursday, September 05, 2024

Hello again!

It's like, energy comes back, man...

SAINT MOTEL - "My Type (Official Video)"

"His three traveling companions were a 36 year old former Brazilian missionary (Mennonite), married liberal thinker and a very gifted person. The other two men were 20 and 21 years old, and were both Conscientious Objectors doing service in the medical ward of an Army hospital. Bill wrote, "We got along quite well, and it was really fun to be with these people." They were permitted to build a lean-to and sleep on the beach, as did many other tourists, and it was all very quiet. They toured the surrounding area and cities and reported that the majority of the people live in dire poverty. Bill was especially worried about the plight of the children."

"May 4 Archive - Bill Schroeder"

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