Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Good, the phrase I was looking for finally came to my mind.

"Secondary gains."

Addictions are learned behavior patterns. It is not healthy to continue the behavior pattern of discarding or ditching certain kinds of knowledge or certain kinds of people in order to obtain some secondary gains.

I know that I personally don't think that the learned habit of ditching certain kinds girls and women in order to prop up others in their delusions is a very healthy habit to continue.

I couldn't think of the phrase though, but then what made it break through in my mind was the idea of how people treat certain kinds of immigrants in this country.

We shouldn't continue to treat certain kinds of immigrants in this country so poorly in order to obtain some secondary gains. 

It's not going to look well in the future at all. It doesn't look very well now, either. It's time for some good changes to happen now.

It's time for things to get better.

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