Tuesday, April 22, 2014


"The consensus is that this simple intervention helps prevent girls from dropping out of school after menarche."



"In 1926, the poet Dorothy Parker published the incisive rhyming couplet: 'Men seldom make passes / at girls who wear glasses.' It was typical of Parker’s cynical wit, but back then not altogether untrue. A New York Times obituary of Parker confirms that she did, in fact, eschew spectacles in public or 'when men were present.'"

"When people see an asymmetrical, vaguely medical-looking body augmentation—even something as technologically advanced as Glass—the 'sick role' detective work is applied. Something must be wrong. People are also scared deep-down that assistive technology allows for unfair advantages."




"First, there are mute annotations: handwritten “underlinings, slashes, and other small marks” that don’t accompany any added words. Then, there are small spoken annotations, new handwritten words commenting on the dictionary."



"Would American society be better off if stakeholders in various corporations began to investigate leadership's political activities on abortion and to lobby for the termination of anyone who took what they regard to be the immoral, damaging position?"


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