Friday, May 24, 2024


"Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee"

"Nakeenya Wilson, who nearly lost her life giving birth in Texas, sat on the committee as an outspoken community advocate, pushing for the release of data when the state health commissioner delayed publication of the report in 2022. As a voice for people of color, Wilson championed the stories of black women, who are disproportionately affected by maternal mortality rates both nationally and in Texas.

After legislation in 2023 eliminated her 'community advocate' role, Wilson applied to a different role on the committee, but did not get the job.

While Skop’s role is meant for a rural community member, she has spent her career working in San Antonio, a major Texas city. Skop, who is one of seven new appointees, will begin her six-year term on 1 June.

'As a black mother who went through a traumatic pregnancy first-hand, I think I provided that necessary lived experience and could represent my community well,' Wilson said. 'We need to ask, what community is [Skop] representing?'”

~ Mary Tuma

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