Saturday, May 25, 2024

Caturday is off to a rather tart start! 😹

"Kids today, I swear.

Standing around on college lawns, protesting against genocide, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to arms shipments — what are they thinking? These students should be shopping, getting wasted at end-of-semester parties, and engaging in meaningless sex.

Instead, they’re going around acting like citizens, engaging in civil disobedience, exercising their right to free speech, telling university administrations to get rid of all investments in Israel, and demanding humanitarian aid for Palestinians.

Don’t they know protests are unnecessary pointless, and annoying?

Look at the civil rights nonsense in the 1950s and 1960s: Sure, the March on Washington, the Freedom Rides, and that business in Selma bullied the federal government into letting Black people sit in the front of the bus and even vote, but was it really worth all the discomfort it caused the nice White People Who Built America?

If only that Martin Luther King fellow hadn’t been so impatient. I’m sure we would have gotten around to giving minorities some rights. Eventually."

~ Diane Roberts

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