Thursday, December 08, 2016

How does this end?

She is still being harrassed today. 

"About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was 'a friend to women.'

The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide."

OH, and how is his LABOR SECRETARY PICK supposed to help women?
"The fast-food industry is not known as a particularly good place for women. Yet a stunning 70 percent of the front-line, low-wage jobs in fast food are held by women. "

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