Friday, September 09, 2016


Oh the thoughts.
See I have a communicative womb again (or something) and am doing a hot castor oil pack, even though I wouldn't because there's no a/c but at least there's a fan and a really cold rice pack.
There are people who seem to feel oppressed by women with health issues.
Women are supposed to be I Love Lucy but we are not all I Love Lucy.
Look the best, be fit, be full of energy, be supportive, etc. Like peppy airline stewardesses. And it's like if you don't behave that way, if you actually have your own things to attend to, you get treated like you are oppressive. Really???? But it's those standards that are enforced that feel oppressive.

Also I think this woman's sour boyfriend sounds like a jerk and his mom sounds much better.

Bodies are entertaining.
So happy I got to go swimming today!!!!

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