Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kinda witty game idea

What if there was a video game that combined colorful obstacle course-like visuals with certain types of social situations. For example:
Ah - ha.
Oh my

Perhaps it could take place within gigantic uteri, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

Having a weird craving for grilled cheese and tomato soup. Huh.
Now remembering the girls going crazy for a grilled cheese and tomato soup special every Wednesday at an all women's college. I never did. But then I tried it once. Thereafter I succumbed to Wednesday's grilled cheese and tomato soup mania. It was at a grill place next to the rather old-fashioned post office. I might still have the "Dead doctors don't lie" cassette tape that I received in my mailbox. None of my other friends at school got it. I never listened to it, but I never exactly forgot it. (Kind of a startling title.) It's online now. I could play it in the background, while cleaning or something. Anyway. Grilled cheese / tomato soup mania. Does that still happen?

Maybe it does.


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