
Friday, December 13, 2024

The quirky-ness is alive...

I've decided that the power of the manic pixie dream girl is that she can be quirky and and silly and kind of rude and upsetting but only quirky and silly and kind of rude and upsetting in a very controllable way, like only in the way that a certain kind of guy will continually be charmed by and nothing about blah blah blah the me too movement or anything that threatens him or his ability to tolerate her behavior. You know, she's kind of like another type of controllable female, for the creators of her.  

I was thinking today about how if I played with you as a little kid, you're in a different category, and for better or for worse, you're sort of like a little bit more trustworthy. I don't know if you deserve to be seen more trustworthy, but if you played with me as a little kid and you happened to be more f****** trustworthy than several other human beings who've behaved in ways that are a bit atrocious according to my personal sensibilities, I think you should start using your intelligence.

Because you are an intelligent person, and you can start thinking about the things you were trained to not think about, or you were rewarded for not thinking about. Because other people don't get those rewards for not thinking about them, and other people are forced to think about them constantly, like all the freaking time. So start thinking about them. Being the intelligent person that you are. Use your intelligence, and think about the things you were taught that you're not supposed to think about, but other people are still supposed to consider them. Because in my opinion, you're supposed to consider them, too.

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