Sunday, June 02, 2024

Doulas of disenfranchised grief didn't invent these self-absorbed coping mechanisms, did they?

It's the Lord's Day and I hear that certain Dads who don't let themselves care about anything too healthcare-related that might trigger their inner wounded feminine sides still seek solace with the Moms who totally do that all the time, too.

Oh, so that must be why those dads and moms have been giving those guys all the best toys, like the Big Babies O' Patriarchal Privilege they were raised to be, and... 

Why they're clearly so comfortable with letting the little ones who harvested their tasty organic food banquets  go without!

"TEDMED - Talk Details - How farmworkers are leading a 21st century human rights revolution"

Well, I bet those guys can't even go to their Narcissistic-y Patriarchal Parenting Meetups.  Because they probably care about Others too much.


Oh pipe down, ornery ancestral ghost.


Well, don't just laugh about it like such a narcissistic ninny!

The great grandchildren are going to be so shocked at the insensitivity of them!

Have some respect for once! 

The systemic oppression is SO cringe!

Lands really were stolen!

For goodness sakes, get thee to rehab, ye olde excessively jolly addicts of self-indulgent Patriarchal Programming.

Alright grouchy, settle down. 

Why don't you do some hip opening stretches? 

You seem tense.

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